
Ensnared Aramlians

Kruger let out a slow and steady breath, trying to still his rapidly beating heart. Mud coated his sand colored fur and various gashes covered his upper torso. With blood pouring from those same wounds, and disheveled clothes baring numerous tears and slashes, the young Aramlian looked as if he had gone through a deadly battlefield.

Which wasn't too far from the case.

Rising onto his feet, Kruger surveyed the area just beyond the Parthenon's invisible barrier. The same area he had just narrowly escaped from.

Growling, hissing, snarling. Beasts that Kruger had never seen before in person prowled the perimeter, bloodthirsty eyes locked onto the Fennelis with dripping saliva and snapping jaws. Beings made up of a glowing moss, monster lizards that looked like scaly bushes, goblin-like figures with skin the color of a puke green. A collage of entities that wanted nothing more than to tear Kruger limb from limb.

And they almost had.