What Brings You Here?

Dear Jasmine,

Hey so... I'm afraid I won't be able to get home sooner, gotta make a stop in Manila.  I mean hey, it's just one time zone behind you hahaha. I'll try to finish this so I can get home to you as soon as I can. Miss you.



    Harlan got off the plane and the first thing he noticed was the heat. Harlan put on his shades as he walked into the tropical country.

    Harlan walked out the airport, past the ladies greeting him "Mabuhay!", past the lovers reuniting after days or months... or even years apart. Harlan sighed in relief as he wore the shades as his eyes looked at them with awe and... a bit of jealousy. His mind started to move towards Jas, but he snapped himself out of it and sat on a bench.

    Harlan sat on the bench, and brought out his phone. He texts something to a mysterious contact as a taho-vendor approaches him.

    Taho Vendor: Hello good sir! Care for some taho?

    Harlan got his wallet and fished out a fifty Philippine-peso bill and handed it to the vendor. The vendor got it and started scooping out tofu. As he did, he looked around and whispered to Harlan.

    Taho Vendor: Marcos is celebrating his birthday in the Resorts World Mall tonight. He usually spends the night in the casino.

    Harlan: Good thing I packed my tux.

    Taho Vendor: How's your flapjack?

    Harlan looks at him and the taho-vendor knows it's not good. He hands Harlan the taho.

    Taho Vendor: Well it better be. Sir.

    Harlan nods. The vendor walks away and Harlan takes a spoon of taho and nods in approval.


    Harlan walked in the Resorts World Mall at 9pm. He fixed his black bow tie as he walked in the casino.

    Harlan looked around for Marcos. Finally he found him in a flapjack table surrounded by a big crowd. Harlan squeezed his way to the table. It was Marcos facing against one man. Marcos had a ten of spades and four of diamonds, the other person had a six of hearts and nine of diamonds.

    Casino Player: Hit.

    The dealer threw a card at the player. He opens it and it's a five of clubs. The table goes wild. Marcos sighs, he is about to say "pass" when-

    Harlan: I suggest you hit sir.

    Marcos looks at Harlan.

    Marcos: Excuse m-

    Harlan: Please sir, trust me.

    Henry Marcos looks at the cards, then at Harlan. He sighs and signals "hit". The crowd murmurs, the dealer deals a card. Marcos looks under the card and freezes. He looks at Harlan sternly, then laughs. He flips the card to reveal a seven of diamonds. The crowd goes crazy. Harlan smiles.


    Marcos: You know, I owe you a drink.

    Harlan puts down his glass and looks at him.

    Harlan: Oh no, it was nothing.

    Marcos smiles and sits beside him. Marcos orders a martini and drinks.

    Harlan: The great Henry Marcos... to what do I owe the pleasure?

    Marcos: Please, the honor is mine.

    Harlan: Owner of four big companies in the Philippines, richest Filipino in the entire country. Gotta say... I'm impressed.

    Marcos: Thank you. My boss believed that if you're with the right people, the right crew, then anything is possible.

    Harlan: Not everyone could do that.

    Marcos: Thank my boss. While everyone said it was impossible, she was the one who believed in me.

    Harlan: She sounds... decent.

    Harlan laughs.

    Marcos: Something funny?

    Harlan: No, I just remember someone. I mean, not everyone knows Miss Delvey eh?

    Harlan takes a drink.

    Marcos: I never said her name...

    Harlan looks at him.

    Marcos: How'd you know-

    Harlan: I read it... somewhere... on the plane here.

    Marcos: Oh.

    Harlan takes a drink, scared. Did he give himself away? He didn't know why he just blurted our Delvey's name.

    Marcos: So what brought you here?

    Harlan looks at him, surprised.

    Harlan: What do you mean?

    Marcos: You're not from here. And you've spent a long time away from home.

    Harlan: What made you think that?

    Marcos: You're drink. Nobody comes to a luxurious bar and asks for Soju.

    Harlan looks at his soju and nods.

    Harlan: You got a point.

    Marcos: I know that face... you're thinking about someone. You don't know how you feel about her. You're wondering whether or not she still belongs to you... or she belongs to someone else.

    Harlan looks at him.

    Marcos: But deep down, you know which it is.

    Harlan nods. Marcos checks the time.

    Marcos: Puta- sorry I gotta run. The time.

    Harlan: Oh no problem.

    Marcos stands, drops a check on the table.

    Marcos: Have one more drink, on me.

    Marcos smiles and walks away. Harlan watches through a bottle's vague reflection as Marcos goes to three men in suits and whispers something to them, then leaves. Harlan takes one last drink and walks to them.

    Harlan: So guys... shall we?

    One of them punches Harlan, another puts a bag on his head and drags him out while a lady in a dress watches them.


    The bag is removed from Harlan's hand and Harlan is thrown to the ground. He lands on a small dirty puddle. He looks around to see an alley full of garbage.

    Harlan: Oh brilliant, you do know I was in a place like this a few days ago in Kor-

    Harlan gets punched. Harlan gets up and takes on them. Harlan tries to punch one of them but he moves out of the way, and another henchman punches his back. Harlan catches himself on a trash bin. He takes a trash bag and uses it to hit a henchman. He grabs an empty bottle and tries to use it to hit them, but a henchman catches his arm and punches him. Harlan falls to the ground beaten. A henchman takes his gun out when-

    DANG! A fire extinguisher hits the henchman at the back of the head.

    Harlan opens his eyes, his tries to make out what's happening but it's a blur. Three people seem to be fighting and one person easily takes out everyone. The person then walks to Harlan and his vision straightens as he sees a woman extend her arm.

    Audrey: COME ON! LET'S GO!