Agent Banner

Dear Jas,

    Got into a skirmish with some idiots. Got beaten up a bit but I'll be fine. Some lady saved my ass so all good. Missing you every second.



    Harlan sat at the passenger's seat, not saying a word as the lady drove the car. The lady drove on until they reached a hotel. The lady got off the car and Harlan followed her.

    Harlan followed her into the luxurious hotel, down the hallway, in an elevator and to a bar. The lady got a bottle of whiskey and two glasses.

    Audrey: Sit down.

    Harlan sat down. The woman poured him a drink and offered it to him. Harlan eyes it suspiciously, which she notices.

    Audrey: So you ride the car of a stranger, follow her into a hotel, but you won't accept a drink?

    Harlan: It would appear so... I wouldn't trust an agent of T.H.E.P.A. that easily... what more the Director's daughter? Nice to meet you, Audrey.

    Audrey extends her hand.

    Audrey: Audrey Katherine Banner Forster. Nice to meet you.

    Harlan extends his hand.

    Harlan: Harlan Ox-

    Harlan looks at Audrey in the eye and stops. Something about her seems... familiar.

    Harlan: Oxford Brandle.

    They shake hands. Harlan takes the drink.

    Audrey: As you know Agent Brandle, I have been assigned by Director Forster, my dad, to watch over and evaluate you on this missi-

    Harlan: Well you can go home and tell your dad that you don't have to. I'm fine and I can handle mysel-

    Audrey: Well that's not what it looked like in the alley. Looked like you were getting your ass kicked.

    Harlan: Sometimes you need to get your hands dirty to get what you need.

    Audrey: Yeah true, but key word: sometimes. And a while ago... pretty sure wasn't that time.

    Harlan smiles. He then pours himself another drink.

    Audrey: Agent Brandle-

    Harlan: Please, Harlan.

    Audrey: Harlan, I read your file on the way here. Known associates include brother Jackson Artemis Brandle, fellow agent May Berman,

    Harlan: Ok you made your-

    Audrey: I also know about your time in Seoul. How you were sent on a mission there in 2009, which led to you meeting veterinarian Doctor Jasmine Leigh Olsen, fell in love with her, then broke up with her in 2011 even after sending a resignation letter to-

    Harlan throws the bottle at the wall. Audrey looks at Harlan, who is doing his best to contain his rage. Harlan looks at Audrey with rage and guilt.

    Harlan: Tell me, what is the point? What was the point of all that?

    Audrey looks at Harlan, terrified and... scared. Harlan touches his scar under his eye, and Audrey watches, as she sees him wiping a tear out.

    Harlan: I'm okay and... I don't need you. I don't need you.

    Harlan takes bills out his coat and puts it on the counter.

    Harlan: It's on me. Key?

    Audrey gives him a keycard.

    Audrey: Floor Eleven, Room Twenty-Three. I'm in room twenty-four if you need me.

Harlan: Thanks but... I'm good. Go home Audrey. Go home.

    Harlan nods and walks away. Before he exits, he stops and takes one last look at Audrey before walking out.