Meanwhile Elsewhere…

    Marcos walked out the mall and went in his car. He saw through the side mirrors his men dragging a man who's head was in a bag. Marcos knew immediately that it was Harlan.

    Marcos reached in his bag and got out a device. He plugged it in his phone and called up a contact.

    Marcos: Delvey, Marcos here.

    A voice replies.

    Delvey: What is it Marcos? It's like what? Eleven in the evening? Why you calling at this ungodly hour?

    Marcos looked in the blank space.

    Marcos: The man you talked about... here's here.


    Delvey: Harlan Brandle?

    Marcos: Yes. He's here. I just met him.

    Delvey: And is everything going accordingly?

    Marcos: Yes. All according to plan.

    Delvey laughs.

    Delvey: Good. You know what you have to do next.

    Marcos: Yes ma'am.

    Delvey: See you soon, Marcos.

    Delvey ends the call. Marcos puts the phone back in his coat and sits there, thinking.

    Eventually, the car comes to a stop. Marcos gets off at the apartment building and walks in alone. He rides the elevator up and exits it. He unlocks his room, checks his computer, gathers a few files, and leaves. As he rides the elevator down, Marcos checks his watch and chuckles.

    Marcos: All according to plan.