Nice to See A Familiar Face

Dear Jasmine

Been thinking about you recently and our fight. It was all my fault, I'm sorry. Please let me be able to make it up to you once I come back. Miss you, hope you're doing alright.



    Harlan woke up, discombobulated. He checked his watch to see the time: nine in the morning. Harlan groaned and pulled off the bed sheets. As he put his foot on the ground, Harlan knocks over a beer bottle. Harlan looks at it surprised at first, then nods in realization, as though he remembers putting it there.

    Harlan opened a bottle of beer as he walked to his laptop. A new email from Director Forster appeared. Harlan clicked on it to read the email, which read:

    Harlan, Marcos' residence is located in an apartment building, 22 Ferdinand Drive. Approach with caution

    Harlan read it carefully, then got dressed. He put on his blue suit and got his gun before walking out the room. He stopped by the door of room 24, but before he knocked, he stopped. He thought whether or not he needed her, and decided to go alone. Harlan walked away from Audrey's door and to the elevator.

Harlan walked out of the hotel, got his phone and got a message from a mysterious contact saying "call me now". Harlan opened the contact and pressed the call button.

    Harlan: Berman, talk to me.

    A woman responds.

    Berman: Harlan Brandle, good to hear a familiar voice.

    Harlan: Good to hear from you May, it really is. Please tell me you did a little digging.

    Berman: Hey, I do owe you. Plus really lucky your friend so happens to be from the country you are in eh?

    Harlan: What have you got for me?

    Harlan feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see May, wearing a trench coat over her suit and shades.

    Berman: Isn't it more lucky that I just so happen to be stationed here?

    Harlan chuckles.

    Harlan: It's good to see you May.

    Berman: Likewise. Anyways, Marcos as you know is the head of four big businesses here in the Philippines. A successful chain of restaurants, malls, a big food brand... and an airline company.

    Harlan: You don't say. Anything I don't know that I should?

    Berman: Yes. These photos were taken a few days ago.

    May hands Harlan a folder. Harlan opens it to see pictures of Marcos with different men.

    Berman: Know them?

    Harlan: Of course, T.H.E.P.A. has them under their watch list. They do black market level type of dealings.

    Harlan goes through the photos and sees a photo of Marcos with a lady. Harlan looks at it. May stops walking and looks at Harlan, worried.

    Berman: Hey... you okay?

    Harlan stares at the photo.

    Berman: Harlan?

    Harlan snaps out of it.

    Harlan: Yes, yes I'm ok. C'mon.

    Harlan and May walk to Ferdinand Drive. They enter building 22 to see a guard arguing with a woman in a green and yellow dress. Harlan takes his gun out but May stops him.

    Berman: No no no. Watch.

    May opens the door. The guard sees her.


    May puts on a panicked face.

    Berman: Ay pasensya na po sir. Nawala lang ko yung susi ko.

    Guard: Ya I ain't buying it. (On walkie-talkie) Yeah I'm gonna need back up in-

    May punches him and he falls to the ground unconscious. Harlan walks in.

    Harlan: Lady in dress, get out.

    Harlan walks to May.

    Harlan: You were saying?

    May rolls her eyes as she calls for an elevator. An elevator arrives and they press the button to floor 20.

    The elevator door opened at floor 20 and Harlan and May walk out. They walk to room 16, and kick the door open. Harlan and May look around to see files everywhere, and a table with a computer. May takes out a USB and puts it in the USB port hole. The virus enters the computer and unlocks it. As Harlan reads the files, May looks at the Marcos' digital files.

    Berman: Holy shit. We got it all here Harlan.

    Harlan: Got what?

    Berman: Business dealings, contacts, they're all here. We got all we need to expose him.

    Harlan: Transfer the data. You got a hard drive?

    Berman: Yeah I got one h-

    May hears something. She walks to the window and looks down to see military jeeps surrounding the entrance.

    Berman: Puta- Harlan we gotta hurry. Transfer-

    Berman stops. Harlan turns to May to see a small round hole at the window, and as he looks at May, blood spills out her mouth. May falls and Harlan catches her.

    Harlan: May, May... MAY!

    May looks at Harlan. She takes out the hard drive and hands it to Harlan.

    Berman: Upload the files to the drive.

    Harlan: Stay with me May, stay with me.

    Harlan hears footsteps outside.

    Berman: Run.

    Harlan wipes a tear, and kisses May on the forehead.

    Harlan: Thank you May, salamat.

    Berman: GO!

    Harlan goes to the computer table. He takes the hard drive, ducks under the table and prepares his gun.

    Footsteps approach. Harlan takes one last look at May, as her lifeless body lies on the floor, and takes one last breath