May 6, 1999

Clair was led by the agents from the top of the building to the bottom. Both hands were cuffed behind her. Clair followed the agents as they left the stairs and to the lobby.

Clair and the agents exited the lobby and walked into the late night. T.H.E.P.A. transports were waiting for them outside. The agents led her to a T.H.E.P.A. prison transport and pushed her in.

Clair sat down in the van between two agents. The van started driving and Clair sat there, with her thoughts.

Clair observed the agents. She looked at their hands, feet and body. She looked at them and thoughts formed in her head.

"This one's left-handed... this one has a wife and three kids... this one is new to the job...", those sorts of thoughts along with silently judging each of them. Clair looked at their guns and thought to herself.

"I could fight them all by myself. I could kill every single one of them and walk out of here." Clair thought as she went through different scenarios in her head, all of which ended with her walking out of the van, alive. But she simply leaned back and kept the thoughts all to herself.

After an hour or two, the van stopped. The agent beside Clair put a bag over her head, blinding her. The agents pulled her from a parking lot to an indoor facility (Clair deduced this from the change of temperature, from a hot environment and rough floor, to a more cold temperature with smoother floors). Clair heard as doors were opened then closed, and she was led into them, one by one.

Eventually, the agents removed the bag on her head. Lights blinded Clair and she had to squint her eyes to see even just a bit properly. The agents opened a door to a dark room.

The lights turn on and what happens next happens in a flash to Clair.

Clair gets her mugshot at the front of T.H.E.P.A. agents, she changes out of her clothes and into gray prison jumpsuits. Some agents inject something in her wrist, which Clair deduced was a tracker.

After all that, Clair gets led by T.H.E.P.A. agents into a door with a sign reading "Detention Rooms" beside it. They go in and Chase sees cells inside. Some with a person in it, some without. They led her to Cell 12, the agent pushed her in, and locked the door.

Clair carefully observed the layout. Solid walls on all sides, a steel door, and a small hole on the wall for sunlight and fresh air.

Clair walked to a small bed attached to the wall and lied down, head on the pillow. Clair looked up at the ceiling, thoughts all to herself.