Phase 20

David's Perspective

In the middle of the night, where everyone is in their dorms and I'm already deep into nightmare land, this nosy brat engineer keeps on calling me through unknown - the hologram.

"So here's the mini drone I managed to sneak from our office, I already disconnected it from the company and from the main station's access," This is the reason he eagerly called me.

"Just go straight to the point, I'm tired and I don't want to entertain all this," I honestly stated.

He unintentionally showed a sour emotion because of that. "Okay, so the point is, this mini drone was personally requested by Director Mandryx, and he wants me to give it to you tomorrow during break, don't ask why as I am unaware of it," he explained.

"Okay," was the only response I gave.

We didn't talk that much, as I am too exhausted to entertain more of his talks, so I let myself drift away again to sleep. In the morning, I met with him in the lobby to get the mini drone. We didn't talk that much as I only used our break time to sneak out of the office as we still have tons of work that should be done this week.

"What's in that box?" I got halted by Mandryx right before I could even press my ID on the door.

I turned to face him without showing any interest in his presence. "Here" was the only word I mumbled to him before handing him the mini drone.

"Was this from Kevin?" he queried while checking the entire box.

I moved aside before replying as other scientists started to come back as our break was almost over. "Yes, and I'm wondering why use me to get it instead of yourself?"

"Oh! About that, I requested this because I want you to maneuver this tonight," He explained, which brought confusion to me.

"Is there any activity happening tonight of which I am unaware?"

"No, and your break is over. I'll explain later after your duty, for now, take this," He didn't even let me spit another word as he hurriedly left.

I was left dumbfounded and fully confused as to why I was involved in something about which no one informed me. Since he has already left, I have no choice but to bring the damn box with me. While I'm preparing the sample of the saber that will be put in the storage room for the next delivery, my thoughts are not fully focused on what I'm actually doing. I was thinking about the mini drone tonight and me manipulating it.

"David, is everything alright?" I got startled, causing my body to unconsciously move on its own.

I worriedly look at Vincent, who's currently bleeding. "I'm sorry, I was just startled," I explained while getting the first aid kit on my table.

"I'm fine," I didn't reply to that as I was nervous as to how crazy his blood was flowing from his wound.

I guided him to sit on my chair. "Here, let me see it,"  I carefully tilted his head sideways for me to get a better look at his cheek, which I cut with my scalpel. "You're bleeding a lot; do you have hemophilia?" I asked pertaining to the medical condition where someone bleeds excessively even from a small cut or wound. It is a genetic disorder that affects the blood's ability to clot properly.

"Yes, so don't worry about the blood," he replied.

I carefully sterilized my hands and the medical instruments before proceeding to clean Vincent's wound. I couldn't shake off the guilt of causing the injury with my scalpel. Vincent winced in pain, and I reminded myself of the gravity of his condition, hemophilia. Every step had to be meticulously handled to prevent any complications.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.

Vincent managed to smile. "It's alright, David. Accidents happen."

As I delicately tended to the wound, we shifted the conversation to the creature we were currently researching. "Have you noticed how a green liquid comes out of it whenever it lights red?" Vincent asked, his eyes looking directly at those sabers in front of him.

"Yeah, I've been reading up on its behavior patterns. The green liquid might indicate some kind of communication or some kind of defense mechanism," I replied, focusing on my task while pondering the implications.

Vincent nodded, wincing as I placed a sterile bandage over the wound. "We need to be cautious with the creature. Its behavior seems unpredictable, and we should document every observation carefully," he advised.

I agreed, my mind juggling between the medical procedure and the important research. "Absolutely. We have to respect its space and avoid any actions that could provoke it. Understanding this species might be crucial for its conservation."

After finishing the bandaging, I made sure to dispose of all the medical waste properly. "All done," I said with a sense of relief.

Vincent thanked me, and we both settled into deep contemplation about the creature we were studying. As I continued to monitor Vincent's wound for any signs of bleeding, I showed him the report I had made. Not long after that, Mandryx entered the office with a smile on his face, but when he saw me fixing Vincent's bandage, his smile faded and turned into a sour expression.

I continued what I was doing with the bandage. "Is there something you need, Director?" I asked without looking at him.

"Follow me," Through the sound of his voice, I can comprehend that he lost his mood.

"I'll be heading out," I said to Vincent before leaving the office and following Mandryx outside.

I halted when Mandryx stopped not far from the office. "What is it now?

"At 12:00 midnight, when the whole station is done doing the curfew, deploy the drone, you will be ahead of me and San."

My brows automatically arched at what he said. "What do you mean?"

"We're going to sneak out and enter Grandpa's laboratory, you'll be leading the way as you will be our warning in case something comes up ahead of us."

I almost forgot about what the escape capsule captured while I was unconscious, but it still gives me chills whenever that scenario sneaks through my thoughts. Mandryx explained to me all the plans he and San made, they were supposed to bring me with them, but my mother terminated my contract regarding diving outside, so in order for me to still be part of their journey, they assigned me to be their watch using the mini drone, and an hour after that talk with him, we parted ways as we still had our duties.


Midnight came, and the curfew has been done. The only thing I'm waiting for is Mandryx's go signal. I already set up the mini drone and deployed it just meters away from the station, hidden from the surveillance cameras. It didn't take long, and the two showed up on my screen, and then just like that, we began our journey to the back of the station, where a short route is located.

Inside my dorm, my voice trembled with anticipation as I spoke into the communication device, "Mandryx, San, I can see the entrance to the green cave. Be careful, there are multiple security systems in place."

Mandryx's shocked voice echoed, "What the? How did security systems end up here?"

"Probably, Mister Lex senses something, this route may be found by us, but your grandfather has a wide knowledge of the area, so he might already have discovered this route," San explained.

The two talked and made some immediate plans regarding the security systems. "We're approaching the entrance now. Keep an eye on those sensors for us, Raiden."

San's calm demeanor chimed in, "Let's get this done."

The drone's camera feed showed Mandryx and San deftly maneuvering around the pressure sensors, avoiding the laser grids with precise movements. I couldn't help but be amazed by how professional they act.

Mandryx gestured for San to wait, his hand hovering above a particularly tricky sensor. "Hold on, San. Let me disable this one first."

"Take your time," San replied, his voice steady and focused.

I watched as Mandryx expertly disarmed the sensor, leaving just one final obstacle before we could enter the cave.

"Alright, San. The last laser grid is just ahead," Mandryx warned.

San nodded, his eyes fixed on the grid. "Let's do this."

With synchronized movements, they both timed their advance, gracefully weaving through the laser beams without setting off an alarm.

I couldn't contain my amusement. "I didn't know this kind of thing was also part of your training."

Mandryx's voice echoed through the communication device. "This isn't part of the training, this was our secret activity way back when we first came here."

They continued inside while I stayed just in front of the cave's entrance behind the huge weeds, enough for me to secure the area without showing myself to the surveillance cameras around the tower. "We're in, keep an eye on us, Raiden," Mandryx stated as they managed to sneak inside the tower without disturbing any security systems.

As they explored the mysterious laboratory, My eyes darted between the drone's camera feed and the tower's entrance, making sure no unexpected visitors would interrupt their mission.

Time seemed to slow as the minutes passed by, each second fraught with tension. Every creak of the weeds and ripple in the water made my heart skip a beat.

Then, San's voice came through the communication device, tinged with unidentified emotion. "David, we found something, make sure our cameras are directly connected to your account."

"Copy that!" I urged.

As San and Mandryx continued what they were doing, they whispered to each other, ensuring the utmost care in handling their groundbreaking discovery.

"All right, we're making our way out," Mandryx said, their voices now muffled as they moved deeper into the laboratory.

My relief was palpable. "Great job, you two. Just a little further."

Suddenly, the communication device crackled with an unexpected voice. "Intruders detected. Initiating security protocols."

My heart leaped into my throat. "Hurry! You have to get out of there now!"

Mandryx's voice came through, urgent and determined. "We're on it. Cover us, Raiden."

As I guided the drone's lights to shield  Mandryx and San's retreat, I couldn't help but hold my breath. The tension was unbearable as they navigated their way back through the security systems.

Finally, their silhouettes emerged from the tower, swimming with incredible speed, and the drone followed closely behind, guiding them to safety.

Once we were clear of the cave's entrance, I let out a sigh of relief. "We made it! We're clear!"

Mandryx and San successfully enter the airlock, removing their helmets, gasping for air but elated by their successful mission. "Thanks for having our backs, Raiden," Mandryx said.

"No problem at all," I replied without knowing I was smiling.