Phase 21

Mandryx's Perspective

The unexpected truth behind expected scenarios must be part of unfolding the planned stories around us. We are currently in my dorm, hiding from everyone. I'm seated at my working desk in front of my laptop, San is in my bed with his laptop, whereas Raiden is on the floor, back rested on the bed, busy with his laptop as well.

We are reviewing all the footage we captured inside Grandpa's laboratory. That experience was boring as we didn't have the chance to check everything inside or even get out of the water. We only deployed our cameras inside the laboratory while we were hidden under the pool, connected directly inside without any airlock, as though it was made in order for something to have direct and free access inside.

The footage only consists of empty rooms, I paused the video I am currently observing and turned my chair to those two. "I don't think we can find anything without actually resurfacing from the water, our cameras don't have hands to scan the room," I stated, thinking perhaps there are hidden doors or hallways connected to the actual scene that we missed.

"Like this one?" San replied, turning his laptop in front of us for a better view.

I carefully observed what he was saying. "Like that," Raiden said, agreeing with San.

It was a finger sensor peeking just behind the empty plant shelf that was attached to the mint green wall. "That was the only one?" I asked, as I couldn't see any other sensors around.

"That was the only one I saw, maybe behind that wall is the real thing," I nodded my head in agreement with San's statement.

We take all the remaining time we have before the alarm for the day begins, and I take advantage of all the access I have to get the blueprint of the tower. We huddle together around an old wooden table just around the corner of my room, the soft glow of the light casting eerie shadows on our faces. The atmosphere was tense, but determination flickered in our eyes as we discussed our daring plan to infiltrate Grandpa's precious secret.

I leaned forward. "Alright, here's the layout of the tower," I began, showing them the blue print that someone sent to me. "The main entrance is heavily fortified, but we have a better chance using the old maintenance tunnels on the eastern side instead of the back door where we last entered."

San, the tech expert, nodded in agreement. "I've managed to get my hands on the tower's security system specs. There are motion sensors and pressure plates near the entrance. We'll need to move silently and avoid any electronic detection."

Raiden studied the blueprint with keen eyes. "If we make our way through the maintenance tunnels, there should be a vent system on the south wing. It leads directly to the central lab, but it's small, and only one of us can crawl through at a time."

I nodded, my eyes never leaving the blue print. "Once we're inside, we'll need to be discreet. The guards will be armed, and grandpa won't be far either. San, can you disable the cameras and alarms once we're in?"

San's fingers danced across a small device in his hand. "I've got a remote hacking tool. I can take down the cameras, but we'll need to be swift. The alarms have a backup system."

Raiden cracked a small grin. "No worries there. I've been practicing my silent takedowns. I'll make sure any guard that comes close won't raise any alarm."

My gaze turned serious. "Remember, we're after the blueprints of their experimental weapon. We must avoid any confrontation unless absolutely necessary. Once we have what we want to have, we'll need an extraction point. San, can you arrange for a secure exit?"

San tapped a few more buttons on his device. "I've got contacts on my kids inside the tower. They will be ready for us. They'll get us out of there fast."

Our plan slowly took shape, and each of us contributed our expertise. Hours passed as we discussed contingencies, potential obstacles, and escape routes. In the end, we had a detailed and realistic plan that had a chance of success.

As we concluded the meeting, I looked at them. "We've faced tougher odds before, but this mission won't be easy. Remember, stealth and precision are our greatest allies."

Before we parted ways, I reminded Raiden about his diving contract and offered another choice instead of coming with us, but he insisted on coming either way, so San and I didn't have a choice but to give him permission rather than argue. When it comes to Raiden, San can't argue, so as far as we know, Raiden will only argue nonstop until his opponent gives up.

As the alarm echoed, I made my way to the main area to tend to the remaining work I had in our office. Along the way I saw Raiden on his Lab coat and busy with a chart on his hand, I was about to approach him but Vincent came in the scene approaching Raiden before I could even step towards his direction. I sigh as I feel jealous of how he can just approach Raiden without pissing him off, unlike when I'm the one doing the same act to him. Without work-related issues, Raiden always avoids getting in touch with me, as though I'm some kind of bad odor he hates the most or something he never wants to look at.

Instead of looking at them as they passed by me, I chose to look at my chart as well, pretending to be busy. I heard them discussing something, but I didn't focus on that; instead, I focused on my steps away from them without getting their attention. I managed to escape from them, but I halted meters away when I saw a familiar figure that just went out of the elevator and walked past the hallway that I am in.

I saw Grandpa with John and San. Curious as to why he was here, I followed where they headed without getting near them. I hid behind the wall as they were standing in front of the elevator to the main area, where I'm currently headed. I waited for them to leave before I waited the next ride to follow them. As the next ride arrived, I hopped on and impatiently waited to reach the main area. The moment I reached the location, I went out and saw them in our office through the glass wall just in front of the pool area.

San saw me and gestured for me to leave the area or hide. I hurriedly did what he wanted me to do before John could even put his gaze in my direction. I went back to the elevator and went straight to the engineering lobby to hide. I could sense that Grandpa knew something related to what we had just done by sneaking into his laboratory. I wasted my time observing the surroundings and an hour later San arrived, he sat next to me and I waited to see what update he had to say.

I heard him chuckle, so I checked to see if he was still in his sanity. "What is it?" I asked.

"I didn't know you were an ugly swimmer when panicking." Confusion swallowed me up to what he said, but I stayed silent.

He finally faced me. "Remember the accident on the cliff?" I nodded as an answer to his question.

"Your grandpa showed us the caught footage of you swimming away, that's the time I called for help. You probably forgot about the cameras around. That's probably the reason he put security systems on that secret route of us, but don't worry as he didn't recognize you. He thought it was someone else, so he's going to do an investigation at this station the whole week, and to inform you further, he's furious about the disabled security systems that we ruined last time."

I stood up and walked away without saying any reply to that statement of his. I heard him following me, so I silently guided him to my room. "What now?" he asked as we entered the room, securing our conversation.

"Do you have the footage?" I seriously asked, resting my body on my bed while he did the same by my side.

"I have the copy; why?

"Show it to me."

"Is there any particular reason for that?"

"Just show it to me!"

"Okay, fine, chill man."

He played the footage on his laptop and handed it to me for better access. "This wasn't me," I commented regarding the footage. "Grandpa is correct in not recognizing this person as his grandson because this wasn't me," I handed him the laptop, and he was dumbfounded.

I hit him by the shoulder as he froze. "I'm not that stupid, bro," I chuckled.

"If this wasn't you, who was it?" he asked, still in shock, as he confidently thought that was me on the screen.

"That's the puzzle now, dude. As far as I can remember, the tunnel that we discovered was near the cliff, so I am fully sure no one knows about that route. It only happened that the tunnel directly facing the back door of the tower is hidden behind the weeds, so even if you remove those weeds, you'll not notice that hole as other rocks are hiding it. To cut the shit, someone is eyeing all the activities that we're doing the moment we set foot in this station."

"Who the hell?"

"That's another investigation we have to do."