Chapter 4: System and ...?

----[MC's POV]----

"I see"


Vache Finch

Level: 1

Occupation: None

Title: None


Health: 1,000

Attack: 50

Defense: 50

Speed: 100

Elemental Mastery: 5

Stamina: 100

Attack Speed: 1.10%

Luck: 12

Charisma: 50


Free Attribute Points: 0




(Author: I forgot to add stamina and EM (element mastery) last chapter my bad 😅)

Looking at the black screen, Tailor seems to show a calm demean however he was screaming with excitement 'I'm literally in Genshin Impact with a system!!!'

He couldn't help but start giggling creepily. If others saw it they would wonder if he's a 'bit' of screw loose in the head.

His demeanor changed into slight annoyance as he saw that his name in the status, Vache Finch. A combination of the basta- *cough* I mean Natasha's Brother's first name and my family's name, Finch.

'I guess it doesn't matter' he muttered "Just like in one of William Shakespeare's works said "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet" so it doesn't really matter what my name would be after all I might as well consider it as my new name since this is a new world after all." Having said that in an indifferent tone Tailor closed his eyes reminiscing all the memories he had before he died who was loved by his family but sadly died at the age of 19.

*smack* Tailor slapped both his hands onto his face snapping him out of his lingering. He then decided to do the first he could think which ended up to yell out a farewell facing into the ocean's direction "Mom, Dad, Sister!!! Thank you!!! But from now on I live a new life as Vache Finch!!! I will always be grateful" tears poured down heavily on his face as he resolves himself to live not as Tailor but as Vache Finch.

As he stopped crying a notification sound was heard [*Ding* 100% synchronization complete. The new host confirmed... Greetings, I'm your personal system guide, Sel, created to inform and help you, the host within my capabilities] said by the system's robotic voice

"Wait!? Are you one of those A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) from the novel like Rimuru's [Ciel]!?" Vache exclaimed loudly as he was filled with a feeling of shock and excitement

[From the host's memories, I can assure you that I'm very efficient like other AI's such as J.A.R.V.I.S. and Ciel . But host I please you to refrain from some speaking with your mouth wide open unless you want to attract unnecessary attention to yourself] Sel affirmed to me my curiosity and made me gasp in shock as well as making me a bit stupid when hearing that.

"*cough* My bad Sel, I will refrain from doing that as much as possible" saying it in a lower voice while scratching the back of my head

It was right though, if I went to a town with a lot of people and talked with Sel. In their perspective they might think I'm someone who can see ghosts like Hu Tao, who was very infamous in Liyue for her 'nature' as it was very 'interesting' to say much about it.

'Sel, does the [System] have any other features I should know of?' Although Vache knows the features of many systems, he wants to confirm his knowledge if there are any features he's familiar with just to be sure.

[Host, there 6 current types of features available aside from the {Player's Status}.

First, you have access to the {Shop}, where you can purchase various skills and items that can harm and aid you in your journey. Each has a rank varying from 1,2,3,4 and 5 stars. 1 star being the lowest and 5 stars being the highest. The host can also convert currency.

Second, you have access to the {Commission Board}, that has all sorts of quests such as daily quests or class quests.

Third, you have access to the {Archives} which records the info of your discoveries of species, food, enemies, etc.

Fourth, the system will record your achievements and reward you with either C-points, stat attribute points and such depending on the achievement you have gained. It should be noted that you can gain achievements from accomplishing tasks for the first time or doing feats that push you beyond the threshold of your limit.

Fifth, You have access to the system's {Player Inventory}, a dimensional storage that allows you to store inanimate objects, food and other materials within its storage capacity. Items with an expiration date will be in a stagnant state meaning they will stay in the state when it was put into the inventory. The current storage capacity is 150 slots , 2/3rd of the total slot is for stackable items and 1/3rd of the total slot is for the non-stackable items. Storage capacity can be upgraded depending on the amount of C-points required.

And lastly, You can get notifications from one of the Aeons of the 18 Paths, they can invite you to their domain, send you quests, give advice or something else]

'It's similar, the features 1 to 5 are similar to Genshin Impacts but it doesn't have the last feature' As Vache was pondering numerous notifications started to resound in his mind

[*Ding* Host has obtained 10,000 C-points]

[*Ding* Host gained the achievement "Descender" and obtained the skill "Trailblaze"]

[*Ding* Host obtained a free skill from the Aeon of Abundance "Stability"]

'Sel, I've been wondering are the C-points a currency for the system'

[Correct] Sel responded

Having heard that, Vache had an idea 'Sel, Can I access the {Store} right now?' I asked telepathically [Yes you can host. What would you like to purchase?]

'I want to have a notebook and a black pen' as I answered Sel immediately responded [Host a notebook costs 20 C-points and the pen is worth 5 C-points. Would you like to purchase? Y/N]

Without hesitation Vache said yes as he knew what exactly what to do. This was an idea that came up to him when he remembered one protagonist who was an employee for a black company. The protagonist went to so much pain from that job that he would take a zombie apocalypse anyday and that's what happened. One day the world was met with a zombie apocalypse and you know what he reaction he had. Pure happiness, He then made a bucket list under the name '100 things I want to do before I become a zombie'.

Vache took inspiration from that story and made a bucket list to do things he wanted to do.

An hour later.... as Vache was finished writing down the last thing he wanted to do in his newly bought note. He stood up as it was close to night time and finally made a move to go to his first stop and complete the first thing on his note

42.) Go to Wangshu in and sing for fun 😊


As Vache is making his way to Wangshu Inn a little girl with magenta-colored eyes looking with in difference only saying one thing "Strange" as she leaves to go get the needed herbs for a prescription.