In her arms

He grabbed the handle and opened the door. Curious gazes on him, he stepped out all dressed in casual. Wales had mixed up feelings. Dazzled at where he found himself.

His eyes scrutinized the old lady in front of him, her smiles and chuckles. Two servants were standing behind her, bowing down their heads and keeping a welcoming face.

His amazement was interrupted when he felt a warm embrace from this woman. He felt his heart stopped beating.

In her embrace, the world stopped still on its axis. There was no time, no wind, no rain. 

Wale's mind was at a sudden peace, Pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free from this woman who pays him softly. Mrs. Miranda felt her body press in, soft and warm. 

This was the love she'd waited for, prayed for. She inwardly thanked God and hugged all the tighter. A love like this is to be cherished for life. Finally, her son was home.

Wales refrained from the hug and licked his lower lip subconsciously. He always does that when he is nervous.

One thing occurs to him, he shouldn't be here but searching for the missing ghost.

He would rather not ask who she was because his assumption was correct that she was his mother.

The cab had driven away, leaving this family reunion.

"I shouldn't be here" he mutters, breaking this woman's heart.

"Tyler, you just recovered, I promise I won't do anything offensive, it's not safe if you go back to your apartment" she reasons and Wales scoffs.

It dawns to him the moment he spent with Lisa, she was telling him about this woman. 

Before coming over here, she had stopped at a boutique clothing, got him something more comfortable to wear, and then parted ways with him.

Her last words to him were;

"Hope we never meet again, just doing your worried mom a favor"

Remembering that made him sneer. It wasn't like he was interested! His fears were not to be wrapped up in a human's affairs. He could see a dark shadow behind Mrs. Miranda as she speaks. 

Wales tried not to look at the shadow in the eyes. She was going to die soon, but what was the reason?

It was Damian who was tailing on her. This juvenile was assigned to take her soul when she dies. 

"Wales!" Damian waves in excitement, admiring the new body he was inside.

"Get lost!" Wales retorts at Damian, but Mrs. Miranda thought it was her. 

She placed her palm on her chest and fought back the tears that had gathered in her eyes.

As for the servants behind her, they pretended not to hear their conversation.

"How long will you be running away from me? Tyler! I am your mother" she sparks, heartbroken that he hadn't changed a bit.

Wales ducked his head. Was this how the women scream when they desire someone to listen to them?

"Look, I'm not interested in who you are, I got work to do" he snaps and Damian shook his head in disappointment. 

This juvenile could feel the woman's pain and wished to comfort her. Sadly, he was invisible.

"You shouldn't be rude to such an old lady, she's your mom for now, Wales, get on her good side, and she would help you with her wealth!" Damian advised and Wales folded his fist.

"Stop interrupting kid! Or I kill you twice!" Wales replied. 

The servants exchange eye contact, confused by his statement, as they fear that another murder would be committed in this mansion. Mrs. Miranda was agape as she felt a sudden pressure on her chest. 

He just called her a kid and intends on killing her twice. However, those lines were for the invincible Damian.

Damian burst into laughter as he watches Mrs. Miranda collapsed. 

Though that wasn't how she would die. It was just shock that got hold of her. How dramatic she was before falling unconscious. It made Damian laugh the more.

Quickly, they rushed her to her room to get medication, while Wales beckons on a servant to show him Tyler's room.

Though, they were stunned that he was calling his name.

His reason for going into Tyler's room was to freshen up, find a gun, and begin his search for the ghost.

Damian excused himself from following Mrs. Miranda, he was eager to speak with Wales.

"I cannot teleport Damian" Wales reports immediately he got to Tyler's room. Though Wales asked what Damian was doing there and his replied was;

"I forget to tell you the details"

He beckoned on the juvenile to search for any weapon, not giving him a chance to comment about his new appearance.

Time was precious to Wales and any delay may lead to chaos.

"Maybe because you're still recovering," Damian responded, looking for a gun, and he found one in a drawer, which he dropped on the bed.

It seems all Tyler's outfits were black, wale's perfect colors. He took a suit along with a pant that goes.

Wales was going to be wearing black throughout his stay.

"Wouldn't you stay for a moment? With your lovely mother"

It seems Damian was more interested in Mrs. Miranda's welfare.

She reminded the juvenile about his mother. For Damian, his mother was the last image he saw before death.

"Shut up and tell me where Brooke is" Wales sneers, opening Tyler's closet and then closes it back. 

He turns his stare at Damian, who was attempting to touch the items around here but couldn't.

This young lad was used to Wales always interrupting his thoughts.

Damian hisses and informed that the last time Brooke was seen, it was at the hospital. He must have definitely transmigrated into the body of a staff there.

"Seriously, Damian, research more! You know I can't see ghosts inside humans" 

"Yeah, but the girl can," Damian snaps, not trying to act rude. To this juvenile, that girl was going to be of great help. It had skipped Damian's mind, the reason he was here. Wales beckoned on him to buttress more.

"The girl you were having a lovely moment with at the hospital, I did my research, she has his eyes" he explained, more fascinated by Tyler's room.

Wales scoffs as he presumes Damian was speaking in riddles. He had even forgotten about Lisa. Damian wouldn't deny, he had been tailing on Wales.

"Your mother is going to commit suicide in Wales, it looks like her son has hurt her deeply" he diverts from the initial topic while laying on the bed and puffing air. 

Though he couldn't feel what he was laying on. The bed was huge for just a person, covered with a white sheet and had a mint fragrance.

"She's not my mother, she could die if she wishes to"

"I got a feeling you and Tyler are related" Damian comments, rising while watching Wales dressing up. He felt sad for Mrs. Miranda and wished someone would save her. 

That was harsh on Wales side. Damian could tell Mrs. Miranda truly loved her son, but pushing her away made her fall into depression. He shifted his mind from Tyler's mother and focused on Wales.

"Jeez at least shower up Wales, you're now a human" Damian suggested, teleporting to and fro the room. 

Wales quickly got into the shower while discussing with Damian. It seems like the tub had water and petals in it. Sweet scents filled the bathroom.

The juvenile appears in the shower, staring at Wale's nude body.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed, widening his eyes at Wales. His perfectly tone abs, a tattoo on his left chest, a big cock that had aroused a bit.

"Damian! Back off" Wales orders, entering the tub. He was frightened for a moment as he could feel the water on his skin, touch objects and feel them. 

He covered his chest with his arms to prevent this boy from feasting on it with his eyes. Damian apologizes and teleports back into the bedroom.

"So who's the soul I'm chasing after?" Wales pressed on staring at the bathroom while washing himself.

His question drew Damian's attention to the reason he was there in the first place.