Lust and betrayal

Strained and tired, Lisa heaves a satisfactory sigh immediately she got to his house. It was already late at night, but she never minds. After all, he was her fiance and would accommodate her. 

Here she was, in a duplex. The apartment she was heading to was on the 12th floor, and she had to use the elevator. 

Ignoring everyone who intended to greet her because they knew her. She just wasn't in the mood to speak with anyone but him.

How eagerly she wanted his hug, kisses, and his touch around her sensitive parts. 

A mischievous smile left her. She guessed he must have been worried about not seeing her all day long.

She had asked him to wait for her before the accident, and it pleases her that she survived. Lisa had changed into an appropriate dress.

It wasn't just Tyler she clothed, but herself.

Thinking about that reminded her of Tyler. It freaks her out that she was with a mafia, a person she despises. How they met was always accidentally. This was the fourth time they were meeting.

Lisa shook her head to get rid of that, though. Presently, it was best she focuses on her boyfriend. She let out a broad smile at the house that let out beautiful florescent lights from outside. 

Lisa intended to knock on the door, but then decided to make her appearance a surprise. Her fingers gently drew close to the door and punched the numbers appearing on the door.

The door made a squeaky sound as it slid open for her. Gently and clumsily, she strolled inside, peeping to and fro, but he wasn't in the sitting room. 

Curiously, she decided to move towards the bedroom. However, something made her shudder. Her eyes found a bra and underwear lying opposite the bedroom door.

It was then her ears caught the sound of moans. She began to shake where she stood, told herself it must have been her weird imagination. Nervously, she grabs the door knob and clicks it open.

Her heart skips as she let out a gasp, her eyes could clearly see Adrian having hot banging sex with another woman. 

She saw how hard he was thrusting her love hole, clacking and this girl moaning. Her breast pressed to the bed, her body red while he kissed her neck.

Lisa bangs the door behind her. Loudly to distract them. How startled they were to find her staring with all glares and contempt. 

Oddly enough, she knows this woman, her friend at that, who was intending to be her chief bridesmaid at her wedding.

She wasn't going to walk until he explained this. If her anger escalates, she could end up killing him right there and just probably end up going to jail.

Tears had gathered in her eyes as she folded her arms, trying not to freak and ogling at their naked bodies. 

They weren't embarrassed. She could see Eva's glitter breasts and her eyes somehow found its way to her cunt which was so wet, spilling down love juice. 

Lisa trailed those eyes to Adrian's dick, which was erect, and its tip having a reddish purple color. 

Eva took the bedspread to cover up, suddenly feeling some guilty while maintaining an annoyed feature. 

She wasn't going to speak, but let Adrian do the talking. It made her suck her breath. They weren't feeling remorseful as Adrian stood up, groans and said;

"I thought you were dead?" Lisa scoffs. Realization dawn on her when she figures out that he didn't show up at the hospital and was anticipating her death.

"Adrian, How dare you?" She barks at him, clenching her hands into a fist, but he chuckles wickedly and turns slowly to Eva, who shudders while leaving an evil smile on her lips. He took his underwear and put on.

"Who would want to marry a girl that brings death? Jesus Christ, Lisa, you always see ghosts and that's creepy. 

I only agreed to marry you because of my dad, but now it's over, I can't anymore!" He declares, placing his hands on his waist.

Lisa flung her scattered hair to the back and then steps closer to him.

"No one likes you, you're a witch and stop saying you're saving lives, it sucks"

"My vision is what kept you alive today!" She yells at him.

"Ouch! It breaks your heart" Eva mocks, beckoning on to leave because she was distracting them. 

They were saying hurtful words to her that it made her world stop for a moment and her ears deaf to their words. At last, Adrian's voice jerks her back to reality.

"It's over, vision girl, off" Adrian added up, going to open the door for her to leave.

Lisa tried not shed a tear in their presence, she glanced at Adrian, and before he could utter another word, she kicked him on the dick with her foot.

He joins his two joins, squatting slowly from the pain and wheezing. 

Adrian was groaning while attempting to swallow the pain he felt around his scrotum. As for Eva, she startled and holding firm the bedspread and shivering. This woman knew Lisa wouldn't leave her alone.

Adrian bangs his back on the wall, wondering how he ever got to meet such a vicious woman.

Shouldn't she be heartbroken and walk away in peace? Dating her was a problem, and even breaking up was a problem.

As expected, the angry Lisa drags Eva from the bed and leads her to the bathroom. The bathtub was filled with water. 

Lisa guessed they were intending to take a romantic bath after their secession. However, she was going to drown Eva tonight.

"Let me go!" Eva screams as Lisa was holding sternly to her hair yanking her and without wasting time, she dips Eva's face into the tub and the pathetic woman wails inside the water.