Failed plans

Damian shrugged his shoulders and let out a silent hiss. His crush had made him leave their presence.

He wondered what they would be talking about. Annoyingly, he had stayed at the car park watching drivers walk in and out of their vehicles.

Soon, he guesses Wales would be out, with that lady Lisa. While he was contemplating, his eyes suddenly caught sight of Ray. He was among the thugs who works for Rodger.

Ray had a semtex which was an explosive for cars. He had intensions of attaching it to Tyler's vehicle.

The one which Wales drove in with. Startled, Damian attempted to expose his deeds to Wales just to avoid it.

However, he couldn't appear where Lisa was.

Meanwhile, Wales and Lisa were already coming out of the building.

Lisa was shyly working behind him. He had told her she was his personal assistant. That's if anyone desires to know.

The excitement in her couldn't be phantom for, she now had a sidekick. She was lost in thoughts and didn't realize Wales had suddenly halt in his movement.

Her head ram against his back. Lisa winced as Wales turned to face her. He was in a close up space with her and was trying to see if she was hurt.

Her heart flusters as he places his palm on her head.

"Watch your step" he cautions and she was baffled. He didn't seem like a nice person at first but he had stolen her heart with that worried eyes of his.

"Seriously? Was that in the script?" Damian groans frustrated from watching these two bring up their romance in a work place.

He had been trying his best to gain Wales attention towards the car as Ray was busy fixing a Semtex under the car and close to the engine splash side.

Once Ray was done, he snuggled away. He made sure no one saw him or suspected anything fishy.

Lisa shut her eyes to digest the pain as goosebumps held her, she suddenly recalls him kissing her.

Lisa gasped and covered her mouth with her palm.

She widens her eyes, shocked but then she shook her head to snapped out of such imagination.

Wales snapped his fingers to draw her back to reality. Lisa blinks at him as she clears her throat.

"So where do we begin?" He says reminding her that they only had a week to capture that ghost.

Lisa suddenly became speechless, lost in his gaze and it almost made Wales freak out.

It wasn't easy to capture such in a week but as long as he was willing to spend and cover up the cost, she was fine by it.

Meanwhile, Damian had spotted Mrs Miranda pacing towards the car park. He flew closer to her and cause her hair to be blown aside.

She felt irk and tried looking behind her only to find Lisa and Wales staring at each other.

"Tyler!" She called waving at them both with a bright smile.

"Damn it" he cusses and exhaled deeply. Wales knew the plans for the day was screwed out.

With that, Damian was satisfied that they would drive with Mrs Miranda's car and as for Tyler's car, it would just have to explode without any passenger.



"So... Tyler, is she the one?"

"No" they both chorused.

Unfortunately, their plan for the day had been cancelled, thanks to Mrs Miranda blackmailing Wales emotionally and forcing him to return home to have dinner with Lisa.

Here they were, stucked in dinner having different delicacies placed before them.

They both sat opposite her, hoping she doesn't ask questions. 

He couldn't even have dinner in peace with her around.

Mrs Miranda only needed to be certain if perhaps he was in a relationship. Besides, she desires to be a grandma like her peers.

Wales felt trapped within the walls of Mrs Miranda. If he meets with Damian, he would definitely ask when was her death date.

It seems today was just meant to be for Mrs Miranda as he kept bumping into her.

"You're just business partners?" She pressed on staring at them both.

"Woman, can I eat with ease?" Wales retorts and Mrs Miranda felt sad.

Lisa observed that. He had referred to her as 'woman' not mom several times at dinner.

"She deserves your respect..."

"Don't get involved too" he cuts in and Lisa scoffs as she dropped the fork in her hand.

"Well, sorry about that but as long as I am over here, I'm involved" she pointed out and they both began a glaring rival.

"I'm just saying she deserves a bit of your love, you might end up regretting" she softly convinced but Wales wasn't concerned about that.

After dinner, he still had intensions that he and Lisa would definitely start the hunt again.

Lisa took some spinach and intended to dish it on her plate but it accidentally fell on Wales thighs.

Wales grabbed some bacon and threw it at her face. He hated the fact that he couldn't take her soul right away.

"It was accidental!" She barks while carrying a bowl of soup close to her and she poured on him.

Wales gasped and jolt from his seat. He decided to take revenge.

They were fighting with the meal and Mrs Miranda felt her blood pressure had risen. Though it was fun watching these two but they had to be stopped because they were creating a mess just to satisfy their anger.

"Guys could you stop?" Mrs Miranda ordered fed up as they were behaving like kids.

Immediately, they listened to her order while Wales gazed at himself infuriated that she had messed his clothes.

"You're fired!" He snarls without thinking through his words.

"Awesome! I never wanted to work with you either" Lisa responded back, grabbed her bag and almost stormed out.

However, miss Helen who was standing close by obstructed her path. She didn't want Lisa to leave looking all drained in different delicacies plastered on her body.

She took a glimpse at Wales who was pacing towards the stairs, heading for his room.

Being around his space provokes her and she refuses miss Helen's offer, said her goodbyes and angrily walked away.

Mrs Miranda heaves a sigh, devastated that the only time she got to have dinner with her son got ruined over a little argument.

She lean her head on the chair and shut her eyes while miss Helen attends to her.


"What? You fired her! Wales it was just a misunderstanding! We might disperse after a month if we don't find that soul gripper!" Damian panics rolling on the ground and throwing his legs in the air.

Wales had met him in his room. Besides, it wasn't as though Damian had anywhere to live.

He was stuck with Damian as a sidekick.

"I can't work with her! She creeps me!" He buttresses and Damian mimicked him silently.

What pisses Damian was the fact that Lisa had resumed that day and he had fired her immediately.

To worsen it, Lisa was one who matches his energy and wasn't one who could easily bow to someone.

A thought suddenly crossed Damian mind as he sat upright and narrows his brows at Wales who was groaning, gnashing and pacing around the room.

"Have you fallen in love with her?"


His reply made Damian relieved as that should never happen. It was forbidden.

"Then just get this done with!" Damian quarries attempting to return to his position but then changed his mind.

"You need to bury that ego of yours, apologized and hire her back..."

"Never, we would find someone else, I don't want to have her around me" Wales interrupted as Damian shrugged his shoulders.

It seems Wales was just furious over a food fight than the real matter yet undone.

This was an impossible mission to begin with and now Wales had dispose their helper. Damian felt tired for the day and lazily vanished into the walls to wander around.

He had always looked after Wales but this time, he gave up and would return when he needed help.

Afterall, Wales only listens when he calms down. All Damian knows is that certainly, they would find who they came for.

Wales wheeze out air as he thought of feeding his eyes with scenery outside. Possibly that could keep him calm.

The young man drew closer to the window and began to marvel at the garden close to his window.

He hadn't noticed this place since his arrival here.

While he appreciated its beauty, his eyes suddenly caught sight Lisa.

Wales shook his head as he presumes she was occupying his head after that night he spent with her.

Unfortunately, he could still see her staring at him.

She was wearing a white dinner gown garnished with blood stains that it became a design. The garden suddenly became a pool of blood.

She was almost getting buried by it.

Her eyes looking up to him with hope, she tried stretching her hands to him. He saw that they were covered in blood.

Wales stepped backward as he felt pains around his chest.

"Lisa" his lips muttered and he felt his breath

almost ceasing.

Quickly, he took a coat in Tyler's closet and ran out of the house.