The deal

She had dressed to impressed, faking a smile at everyone that passes her by.

The excitement in her was overwhelming as she looked weird in the eyes of others. To these workers, there was nothing to be happy about in this frustrating building.

She sat at the reception, waiting patiently to be addressed.

However, it seems like the boss would take forever. Nervously, she rehearse her lines if perhaps there would be an interview.

"Miss lisa?" The secretary called, interrupting her thoughts.

Hastily, she jerks up from her seat and faces whosoever called.

The secretary directed her to the boss office and abandoned her at the door.

Anxiously, lisa stepped in only to be greeted by the boss handsome face.

She grimanced, feeling mousey and unsettled as she couldn't believe he also owns the company of her dreams.

Probably, he must want to appreciate her.

Lisa could see that he was busy reading the news headlines. It was all about him and she guessed his pride was taking control.

"What a narcissist" she commented and Wales heard that, yet he didn't look at her.

Lisa was standing opposite him as she presumes he had forgotten someone was there.

Intentionally, she dropped her file to gain his attention but it turns out that Damian got her attention first.

He had hasten to assist her pick the file which he couldn't touch.

She suddenly gasp when her eyes crossed with Damian. Goosebumps held her as she stepped back a bit, frighten.

Damian frowns as he could sense fear and grief in her eyes.

He never minded but was annoyed that Wales was keeping her waiting.

"She's here" Damian reminded pacing around the place like an excited child.

This ghost was already having a crush on her as she was pretty.

Wales raises his head to take a glimpse at her and then smirked.

He was occupied with how he would address her as he only needed her to capture someone.

Lisa folded her lips and began to shudder as she didn't want to look like a freak if she tells this mafia that a shadow of death was close by.

She could sense it and the only way to prevent death was to disperse this ghost.

Damian gave a wry smile as it was as though he was ready to meet his fate.

At least, she wasn't with her hunting tools. The least she could do was make him vanish.

"Are you sure you did your research on her?" Wales asked feeling unease too at her constant gaze.

Little does he know that she was figuring out a way to disperse Damian.

Her lips were mumbling some words which got Damian confused.

"Is she a shaman? But she doesn't look Chinese" Damian said to himself interested to know how she would disperse him.

The sight of her reminded wales of last night and so he didn't read her emotions neither exchanged eye contacts with her. He couldn't believe the body he entered fell for that.

Furthermore, he just didn't know how to start up a conversation as he was feeling awkward around her.

Only this bulletin could conceal his face from staring at her.

"Yes" Damian grumbles hoping closer to her.

Meanwhile, lisa had folded her fist as she could sense an evil spirit around, a shadow of death close standing close to Wales.

It was definitely Damian and he was aware because they locked eyes.

However, Wales wasn't satisfied because he needed evidence if he was to carry out his assignment.

She was startled why his lips were moving yet she couldn't hear him.

Possibly, he must be engrossed in what he was reading.

"So can she see you?" Wales furthered taking another peek at her and then furthering in what he was doing.

"Of course she can, right? Lisa" Damian replied rehetorically and lisa pushes him away and immediately, it lead to a black out.

The force she use made Damian fall to the ground and vanish.

As soon as Damian was gone, the lights were restored.

Wales suddenly jolts from his seat and widens his eyes at lisa.

There was fear in his eyes that probably, she might see through the body he possess too.

"Is everything okay?" Wales question as he saw that she was breathing hard and scruntizing the whole place as though looking for something.

He was aware but just had to play along.

"I'm sorry sir, this might seem weird but there's an evil spirit lurking around" she confesses while picking up her file.

Wales flutters his eyes as he swallows hard and then scoffs unbelievably.

"Do you still see it?"

Lisa shook her head, satisfied that it was gone. She didn't seem puzzled that he wasn't surprise.

Besides, she had told him before about the shadow of death.

That was before he lost his life and rose again.

"I guess... it's gone" she muse and inhales softly while returning to her position earlier.

Wales beckons on her to have a seat as her action had made him active that he didn't need to contemplate on words to tell her.

It was then her eyes got to scan this office that could fit for a sitting room. It was beautiful and the interior designs were magnificent.

Her mind contemplated on what position he would fit her into.

Besides, she would be of good help and prevent him from dying again.

"Tell me about you" He began taking his seat and she gawks at him.

The question took her by surprise as she was expecting him to say something about the shadow she spoke about.

She could recall their first encounter at a bar. He was sober and she had come over to disperse a ghost.

Lisa was paid by the bar owner and she had cross path with Tyler.

He was the only one who didn't leave the bar even when it was close.

She had tried convincing him to leave but he unexpectedly asked;

"Tell me about you"

That day, he had a piteous look and had bandage around his head.

"Why are you hiring me?" She asked concerned and Wales eyed her.

It was best he got things straight. He tapped his fingers on the desk, narrows his eyes at her.

"Your abilities" he snapped coldly as he crossed his legs and peer at her.

Lisa ducks her head and responded;

"Everyone thinks I'm a weirdo with that ability but you're hiring because of it?"

Wales didn't respond as he wasn't one who likes to repeat himself.

Lisa seem fascinated that someone like him believes in her.

Usually, mafia thinks they rule their territory and even ghost were scared of them.

"Why? Do you have a beef with a ghost?" She jokingly continued attempting not to laugh.

"Yeah, something like that" he scrowls anticipating her next response.

Lisa placed her file on the table, probably a ghost must be disturbing his home.

"What are you?"

Wales heaves a sigh as he guessed she would definitely ask;

"A ghost hunter like you but I lost my abilities, thanks to a stupid ghost..."

As he spoke, lisa could understand why he didn't fret at first when she spoke about the spirit of death.

She had thought he was drunk at first. Nevertheless, it was good to be back in business again.

However, she wanted a real job not to be a hunter.

"So about the bill..."

"Seriously? Humans is everything about a stupid paper?" Wales interrupted and it got her heart blown away.

Why was he acting as if he wasn't human.

Lisa nodded with a bright look on her face. Damian had told him all the details he needed to know about her.

Hastily, he brought a paper from the drawer close to him and flung it closer to her to sigh the contract.

She picked it and had to cleans her eyes properly to read through what looked like a judgement scroll.

"And may we never cross path again after finding that ghost" Wales added and she smiled sheepishly intrigued by the job.

The fact that she wasn't alone in this search of hers enlivened her.

As she read through the contract, his phone beeps.

It was Mrs Miranda who was calling.

Her eyes had spotted the name before he took the phone.

"Could she let me be in peace for a moment?" He complained wishing to smash the phone.

He didn't even realize his voice was loud to her hearing.

"She's just being concerned" Lisa defended beckoning on him to receive her calls.

He gave her a daring look which made her reconsider her decision if she would be able to work with him.

Wales could recall how difficult it was to escape those women at home. The fact that they began a dramatic scene that early still pisses him.

The only reason he got to escape was promising to be home early.

It's just 2 hours away from then and she was already calling.

He declined the call but unfortunately, her message came in next.

"I'm at your door son, you forgot your inhaler"

"What?" He exclaimed, agape and Lisa tried hard not to laugh because of his facial expression.

He could get another, why stressing herself to come over?

"Is she a ghost too?" He furthers cussing as Lisa returned the signed paper back to him.

Wales texted the secretary to inform Mrs Miranda that he was in an important meeting and she could drop it with the secretary.

He scoffed and raked his head not wanting to encounter Mrs Miranda ever again.

"How about we start the job now?"