A mother's love

Wales coughs as he leans his back on the door, unable to understand what was happening to him.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Miranda had been at the door, knocking for her soon to reply. She wasn't going to leave until he said something.

His return had made hope dawn on her, and she was going to protect him.

Behind her stood miss Helen who was holding a tray having his breakfast.

She felt concerned for her mistress and had tagged along.

Miss Helen had already given up because she knew the young master wouldn't respond to them.

"Would he ever get to call me mom?" Mrs. Miranda stutters with a wry smile. Miss Helen heaves a sigh and nodded.

She had begun a conversation after feeling frustrated for waiting that early for Wales to respond to her call.

"Let's stay positive ma'am" she replied, and Mrs. Miranda chuckles while sniffing. It was such a relief that he was alive.

She didn't mind if the character he exhibited was ill. All that mattered was that her son lives and with time, he might change.

"I miss the old him" she confesses as these two began a conversation about when he was younger and adorable.

They both giggled at how lovely, obedient and terrified he was then.

"You know, he wanted to become a doctor, saving lives"

Miss Helen made a sarcastic remark in her mind. Rather than saving lives, he became a torment.

Just when they were getting deep in their conversation, they heard a clattering sounds coming from inside.

 It was followed by a loud groan and heavy footsteps. It got them nervous as their gaze shifted to the door.

Quickly, Mrs. Miranda turns the knob of the door, she realized it had been opened all along. It turns out they hadn't noticed it.

 She strides inside heading towards where the sound was coming from and found Wales on the ground grumbling and stuttering around in his closet.

Miss Helen dropped the tray on a stood found inside the closet as she knew what was wrong with the young master.

Mrs. Miranda held his hands and stroked his back gently with tears in her eyes. She made him sit on the ground while yelling at miss Helen to find his inhaler.

Wales shut his eyes as he could hear a woman singing a melodious lullaby to a baby with a bright smile.

"It's okay, mom is here, take a deep breath" her voice eluded his thoughts as he subconsciously rested his head on her stomach.

"Look at me, Tyler, try breathing softly, don't force it…" Her serene voice made him sober as he tried listening to what she was saying for the first time.

He found it challenging to believe that he was finding comfort in her arms. He intended to stand and leave.

However, she was obstructing him and stroking his head softly. Her touch felt familiar, like a mother he was missing.

 A hush voice singing to his ears and warm tears enveloping his heart.

Wales was coughing and gasping for air uncontrollably as strands of tears fell from him. 

He had never felt such pain coursing around his chest. It made him whined, emotional and hurt. 

A sense of fear flushes him, his hands rubbing his burning chest. What human body had he gotten himself into?

He was never going to forgive Damian if he survived this. His plan was to soul shift from this body to another.

Luck wasn't on his side as he couldn't, besides, not when these women were here. He had never felt such care before.

Miss Helen was behind Mrs. Miranda as always. Hastily, she began to search for an inhaler.

Finally, she found it and tossed it to Mrs. Miranda who was already crying and pulling out the cap off the mouthpiece.

She shook it and placed it in his mouth while gesturing for him to breathe fully, which he did.

Her hands were trembling as she tried to stay under control if she wanted to encourage her son that he would be fine.

He breathed in deeply while puffing the medicine into his mouth, then held his breath for as long as possible.

His eyes watch as she presses the button on the inhaler to release the medicine.

Immediately after 10 seconds, she removed the inhaler and signals that he breathe out slowly.

Wales shut his eyes as he had begun to regain his strength. He could see her, cupping his cheeks and inserting his hair behind his ears.

"That's it dear, we scaled through"

Miss Helen felt touched by how compassionate her mistress was towards Wales. It was shocking to her how he didn't push her away and obeyed every instruction she said.

Possibly, it was because he feared passing out. Wales harshly nudged her away while stroking his chest to gain his breath.

He took a glimpse at this frighten mother who folded her hands and was staring at him. He guessed she was trying to be certain he was fine.

"What illness does Tyler have?" He asked, as he assumes that was what made him lose his breath.

"You're an asthma patient" Mrs. Miranda replied, startled that her son was referring to himself as someone else.

"Damn it!" He swears rolling his eyes to and fro.

The two women shuddered as he spoke those cusses in anger. He stood up, collected the clothes he intended to wear earlier, and tried to leave.

Howbeit, Mrs. Miranda advice he stay calm until he gets himself. She forestalled against his movement, and it made him stifled.

"Get out of my way, human!" He ordered, and Mrs. Miranda shut her eyes, suddenly bursting into tears.

"Not again" he squeezed out of his lips. Why were the women he keeps meeting blackmailing him with tears! This was emotional blackmail.

"Tyler… I…was… I…was just…trying…" She stammers, crying the more as the words weren't coming out. Miss Helen made efforts in control her. Wales ruffles his hair as they were driving him mad.

To worsen it, they were impeding him. Was he a joke to them? Why would start weeping out of the blue?

Soon miss Helen joined her boss and Wales felt screwed up that he fell limply in a sitting position while gnashing his teeth.

He must admit, he was doomed. Now he sees why Tyler dislikes home.