Welcome Aboard

The ship loomed in front of them like a twenty story tall building. The Denouement was the longest, widest, tallest, and heaviest cruise ship ever made, and Cristiana and her boyfriend were getting to experience the maiden voyage.

She dragged her luggage behind her as they got in line, where they would have to go through multiple security checkpoints and baggage checks.

"I don't get why security is so tight. It's worse than the TSA at the airport," Cristiana said quietly, laying her head on Liam's shoulder.

She was tired and jet lagged after the numerous weather delays in New York City, followed by a six-hour flight to Los Angeles. The only thing keeping her going was the coffee she'd received on the plane.

But now, something else coursed through her veins: excitement. The ship was just a few minutes away. It was a vacation that she desperately needed.

"That's just how it is," Liam said, smiling down at her. "They don't want people bringing anything dangerous onboard. We'll get through fine. Next thing you know, we'll be on and enjoying all the events. It's literally a whole city, just floating on the water."

"Like Venice?" Cristiana joked.

Liam laughed and kissed her on the cheek. "Just like Venice. Except it's gonna be better. More entertainment, unlimited food, and even better: unlimited drinks."

Cristiana smiled. "Don't forget the most important part. Tomorrow is one whole year. This cruise will be hard to top. Whatever will we do for two years?"

"Oh, you just wait," Liam chuckled.

"Passports," said a monotone voice.

Liam spun around, realizing they were at the first checkpoint. "Of course, sir," he said, fumbling for the passport in his pocket. "Um…here you go."

Cristiana held out hers too, and the officer looked them over.

"Great. Proceed forward. Find an empty machine and scan your passports. You'll be asked to take a picture. The machine will print out a ticket and you'll give it to the secretary. He'll tell you where to go from there."

"Thank you," Cristiana said, grabbing back the passports. She pushed Liam forward in line.

Liam shoved the passport back in his pocket and looked around nervously.

"You're doing it again," Cristiana noted.


"The anxious thing you do around people with authority."

"Sorry, I…I really can't help it, Cris."

Cristiana slid her hand into his and gave it a squeeze. "Don't apologize. You'll get the hang of it, I promise."

They made their way through the rest of the security and had their baggage checked.

The final stop was a desk, just before the gangway.

"Seat passes?" A woman asked.

They had received their seat passes in the mail earlier that week. Cristiana shuffled through her purse while Liam pulled out his wallet.

The woman scanned the code on the back, which pulled up a picture on her screen. "Liam Adkins. Welcome aboard."

She handed back the card and scanned the second. "Cristiana Bertelli. Welcome aboard. You may enter."

Pulling their luggage, she and Liam began making their way up the gangway.

Once they reached the top of the gangway, they turned around. They were four stories up already, and the port was stretched out in front of them. Boats of all different sizes were docked, bouncing around on the glittering water.

"It's beautiful," Cristiana said.

"You're beautiful," Liam said, brushing a stray hair from her face.

"That was corny," she said, smiling shyly.

"I know. But I had to say it," Liam said, stepping closer to her.

Cristiana stepped away, grabbing her luggage. "Let's go, we need to find the room."

Liam sighed and followed her.

The ship was massive. They got lost multiple times, even while consulting the maps and asking the workers for assistance. Finally, they found their hallway on the 9th floor.

"What's the number again?" Liam asked, looking over the doors as they passed.


"948…946…here we are. 944."

Sliding the card into the slot, Liam shoved the door open, holding it open for Cristiana.

She pulled her luggage inside and looked around. It was a small room, but it was elegant. There was a king bed, a flatscreen T.V., a sofa, and golden light shining from lamps all around the room. The carpet that covered the floor was soft and detailed with numerous shapes and colors.

"Nice, huh?" Liam asked, pulling the rest of his luggage inside. The door closed itself behind him.

"Yeah, it's nice," Cristiana replied. It was fancier than her apartment bedroom back home.

Cristiana flinched.

Liam was behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "This room. All to ourselves. One whole week."

Cristiana grabbed his arms and pulled them away, turning around to face Liam. "One whole week. Let's go eat. I'm hungry."

Liam nodded. "Me too. Unlimited food, and I hear it's to die for."