
The cruise ship was already getting busier, even though they didn't depart for another couple hours. People pushed past them, dragging luggage and quickly trying to find their rooms.

Cristiana and Liam had to cross to the other side of the ship to reach the dining room. They walked for a few minutes, journeying through what seemed like an endless number of hallways.

They passed the main lobby, a large central cylinder, stretching at least seven stories tall. This was where all the main events would take place, Cristiana knew.

When they reached the other side, the dining room doors were wide open, welcoming them in.

The desk in front of the doors was occupied by a small man. "Hello. Welcome to Denouement Dining. Do you have your cards?"

Cristiana handed the man her seat pass.

Swiping it on the card reader, he glanced at his screen. Into a microphone, he spoke, "Gerard. Milly. Two please."

A moment later, two waiters appeared, smiling kindly.

"Good evening. My name is Gerard, your waiter for the remainder of the cruise," said the man.

"Hello, I'm Milly, your assistant waiter. May we show you to your table?" Said the woman.

"Yes, thank you," Liam said kindly.

The waiters turned and they followed them to a two-seater next to a circular window.

"Here you are," Gerard said, pulling a seat out from under the table for Cristiana.

As they sat, Milly stepped away and came back with two menus. "This is our lunch menu. What can I get you to drink?"

"Umm…just water for now," Liam said.

"Me too," Cristiana added. "And could I get a lemon on the rim?"

"Of course," Milly said and left the table.

Gerard stepped to the middle of the table. "Please, choose whatever you desire. I will return in a minute or so to get your order."

Cristiana looked across the table at Liam. "The service is great. These are the friendliest servers I've ever met."

A moment later, Milly returned with their water. "Please, enjoy."

"Thank you," Cristiana said, taking a sip of the water. It was very refreshing after standing in the lines out in the heat.

Gerard walked over to them. "Madam, what may I get for you?"

Cristiana looked at the menu. "For a starter…the onion soup, please. Then I'll get the cod…and for dessert the apple pie."

"Sounds amazing," Gerard said, crossing over to the other side of the table. "And for you sir?"

Cristiana looked out the window. The water was beautiful, glittering in the sun. She was so relieved to finally be on vacation, away from all the stress of normal life. It was liberating.

Gerard brought their food just a few minutes later, and it was the best Cristiana had eaten in a long time.

"How was everything?" Gerard asked as he cleared their plates.

"Oh it was delicious," Liam said, patting his stomach.

"Very good. It was a pleasure to meet you both, and I anticipate your return for dinner." With that, he left.

Cristiana and Liam walked back through the cruise ship, which was now completely full of passengers. They only had an hour until departure.

Cristiana's stomach began to rumble. Her head pulsed. Quickly, she sat down on a nearby bench.

"Cris? Are you alright?" Liam asked, kneeling down next to her.

"Yeah…yes!" She said, sitting back up. "Completely fine. I think I need a drink."

Liam smiled. "That's what I've been waiting to hear. Let's do it."

They found the bar in the main lobby, which already had some visitors ordering drinks. Three bartenders stood behind the bar, creating various, colorful drinks.

Cristiana eyed the liquor bottles, trying to decide what she would get.

"Hello! What would you like to drink, madam?" A bartender asked.

"Hmmm…I think I'll do a couple shots first. Vodka, whatever you've got," she said.

Liam looked at her in surprise. "Vodka? You never drink vodka."

She shrugged, smiling. "I'm on vacation."

The bartender quickly placed two shot glasses on the counter and poured the clear liquid in. "Enjoy. And for you sir?" He asked Liam.

Cristiana grabbed the first shot glass and knocked it back, sighing as the warm liquid poured down her throat. As soon as it faded, she drank the second one.

"Here you are, sir," the bartender said, handing Liam a full glass of beer.

He sipped it gleefully. "It's like one PM. We're about to get so drunk."

Cristiana laughed. "Let's go to the top of the boat. I wanna see the water."

Liam nodded and grabbed hold of her hand. "Let's do it."

They took the elevators to the seventeenth floor, the first of five floors that were outdoors.

As soon as they stepped outside they were greeted with warm air, sunlight, and calming wind. Cristiana stumbled up the steps and ran to the railing.

She looked down at the ocean below, sparkling and glittering. "Oh. It's so beautiful. Isn't it, Liam?"

She looked back, but he was no longer there.

"Liam? Liam? Where did you go?" She called out, scanning the people around her. None of them were Liam. Why had he left her without saying where he would be going?

Her head began to feel wavy, as if she were riding on a rollercoaster. "Uh oh…," she said out loud, holding out her arms. The world was spinning around her. She was losing her balance.

Slowly, Cristiana lowered herself to the ground, where she sat still, taking deep breaths. She would be okay. It had only been two shots. There was no way she was this drunk.

She closed her eyes and passed out.