The Anniversary (Part 3)

The dinner was fantastic. Cristiana ate lobster tail, steak, and an assortment of fresh vegetables. Liam, as he had done at lunch, ordered the exact same as her.

When they were nearing the end of their meal, Liam sat back and patted his stomach. "That was easily the best meal I've ever had. I feel like royalty."

Cristiana couldn't help but agree. And dessert was still on the way.

"Your rum cakes," Gerard said, setting their plates down in front of them.

They ate it slowly, enjoying every bite.

"I want to go to that show," Cristiana said.

"The one with Madison Heffner?" Liam asked.

"Yeah. I've never even heard of her before. Hopefully she's good."

They made their way to the ninth floor this time, hoping for a better view of the show. Just like last night, the entire theater was completely packed.

Cristiana and Liam ordered some drinks from one of the servers, just as the opening music began.

Max, the same host from last night, stepped onto the stage, holding a microphone. "Goooood evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome. I trust you all had a wonderful second day?"

The audience whooped and cheered.

Max looked pleased. "Good, good. But guess what? It's about to get even better, because we have one of the greatest voices I have ever heard! Please welcome the lovely…Mrs. Heffner!"

The music started back up and a woman wearing a glittering dress stepped into the spotlight. "Hello," she said as the audience cheered. "Thank you so much. Thank you! Once again, my name is Madison Heffner. I'll be performing all original songs tonight, so please enjoy!"

Max took his exit from the stage and the lights began to dim.

"The beach called out to me," she began. Liam gasped. Cristiana smiled as silence settled over the crowd. Her voice was angelic.

"I ran out to the sea. I ran away from you…I ran from myself too."

The server brought their drinks. Liam had ordered a few shots of whiskey and a beer and Cristiana had gotten her normal daiquiri. They were so addicting.

"She's really good," Liam said, keeping his eyes on the stage.

"So when I fly away. To find a place to stay. I spread my wings so wide…I will never try to hide."

Cristiana glanced at Liam, who was looking at the stage as if he were seeing God for the first time. "Yeah, she is," she responded.

Liam downed his shots of whiskey and looked over at her. "Why can't you sing like that?"

"Excuse me?"

"I never hear you sing. Maybe you should try it, sometime," Liam said. "That's all."

"I hate singing. I'm horrible at it."

"Ah…me too," he said, taking a large gulp of his beer.

The rest of the show was wonderful, though a little overlong. Cristiana had yawned a couple of times during the last two songs. Liam, on the other hand, had been completely glued to the show, a look of amazement permanently stuck to his face.

"Thank you so much, everyone!" Madison said above the cheering. "Once again, I'm Madison Heffner. Have a great night!"

The theme music started back up and Max made his way out onto the stage, giving Madison a hug before she exited. "Wow! Wow wow wow! What an amazing show. Wasn't she great? Can we get another round of applause for the lovely Mrs. Heffner?"

The audience roared with approval.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's been a pleasure seeing you all tonight. Come back tomorrow for an absolutely magnificent second round of Deepest Secrets. I'm so excited to do it again. See y'all there! Good night!"

Liam and Cristiana stood and exited the theater. She glanced over. He still had a smile plastered to his face.

"Did you enjoy the show?" She asked.

He nodded. "Beautiful." He glanced at her for a moment and then glanced back again, as if realizing she was there for the first time. "Uh…um, hey. Do you want to head back to the room now? Wind down a little bit?"

Cristiana checked her phone. "It's only seven o'clock? I could've sworn it was later. But yeah, we can head back."

Liam smiled. "I have a couple surprises waiting for you."

Cristiana raised an eyebrow. "Really? I may have one for you too, then."

Liam grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Let's do it."