One Romantic Night

Cristiana used her card to open the door. As soon as she stepped in, she noticed what was different about the room. There were rose petals strewn about, sitting on the couch, floor, and even the bed.

A present bag sat on the bed, and Liam rushed over to grab it.

"When…when did you have the time to do all of this?" Cristiana asked. She was absolutely shocked.

"Remember when I had to use the bathroom during dinner?" Liam said with a smile as he handed her the bag.

"I knew it was taking you too long!" Cristiana joked, grabbing the bag. Pulling out the tissue paper, she peeped inside.

"Take it out," Liam insisted.

Cristiana did, pulling out the first item: a bottle of wine. "Oh wow," she said, admiring it. "Where did you get it? The airport wouldn't have let you take any bottles of liquid."

"I got it right here," he said. "The dining room offers full bottles to buy. Hopefully it tastes good. There's one other thing in there."

Cristiana looked in the bag and frowned. She grabbed the item and pulled it out. "Handcuffs?"

"So we can spice it up," Liam said, stepping forward.

"Spice it up?" Cristiana said uneasily, setting them on the bed. "I…I don't know…."

Liam grabbed her hands in his. "Trust me, it'll be fun."

She looked at the handcuffs, still unsure. "Maybe I'll have a drink first."

"Yeah, of course," said Liam, pulling out his car keys. "I wasn't able to get us any glasses, so straight from the bottle will have to be good enough." Cristiana watched as he jabbed the key into the cork and popped it out. Taking a big sip, he handed it over to her. "It's good."

She took a sip. "Yeah, it is." The handcuffs were still on the bed, just waiting for use. Cristiana took a second, much larger sip.

Liam grabbed the bottle from her and set it on the nightstand. "Wanna lie down?" He asked, patting the bed.

Cristiana nodded and kicked off her shoes. She climbed into bed, sitting up against the headboard. Her body began to shake, and she wrapped her arms around her body protectively.

Liam frowned. "There's no need to be nervous. They're just handcuffs. I promise you're gonna love it."

Without another word, he pulled down the shoulder straps of her dress. Cristiana felt the cool air touching the parts of her body that had once been covered. Liam tossed her dress off the bed.

Liam kissed her on the neck, moving down until he reached her breasts. Fumbling for the clasp on her back, he removed her bra and tossed it away. He continued to kiss her, now moving down to her stomach.

Cristiana watched as his arm reached out for the handcuffs.

Liam looked up at her. "You ready?"

She nodded.

Liam looped the handcuffs behind one of the bars of the headboard. Then, he grabbed her right hand and pulled it up, until her wrist met the metal. He closed it down around her wrist tightly. He did the same with her left hand.

Cristiana tried to move her arms but to no avail. She knew immediately that she hated it. Now Liam had all of the control. She had nothing.

By the time it was all over, Cristiana had blood trickling down her arms.

Liam unlocked her handcuffs and removed them carefully. "Amazing, wasn't it?"

Cristiana didn't respond. She stood and walked to the bathroom, her body shaking. She hadn't taken birth control. Liam hadn't used protection.

No. No. No no no.

She washed the blood off her arms in the sink and looked in the mirror. Her face looked pale and tired.

There was a brief knock on the door, and it swung open. Liam looked inside. "Are you alright?"

"No," she said, looking away.


"No, I'm not alright!" Cristiana shouted. "I hated that. I hated every moment of it. Look! Look at my wrists!"

Liam looked down, but not a hint of sympathy crossed his face. Instead, he looked angry. "Why are you yelling? I just gave you an amazing gift."

Cristiana's head hurt. This was not her Liam. This was not the same man she had dated for the past year. He was a stranger, inhabiting the same body. That was it.

"A gift?" She pushed past him, walking toward the bottle of wine. Grabbing it, she began to chug it. After a moment, it was gone. "This is what I do with your fucking gift!" She turned and threw the bottle hard against the headboard. The glass shattered into hundreds of pieces, covering the bed and the floor.

Cristiana carefully stepped away, wary of the jagged pieces on the ground. She went to the closet and grabbed a shirt and shorts, which she put on.

"No," Liam said. "Leave them off. Our night isn't finished."

"Excuse me?" Cristiana said, baffled.

"Our night is not done!" He said, pulling her by the wrist back toward the bed. Giving her a shove, she fell back onto the bed. "I'm going to fuck you until you bleed and plead. And you're gonna thank me after."

Cristiana struggled against his strength as Liam groped at her desperately, tearing at her shorts. Pieces of glass poked at her skin, and she felt blood trickling from new wounds, all along her back.

"Get off of me! Stop! Please!" She yelled, kicking at him. Liam pushed himself in between her legs, his arms pressing down on her elbows. She couldn't move. She was bound, once again.

Liam looked down at her, his eyes hungry. "You are a bitch, you know that? I've put up with you for a whole year now, you and your secrets. Do you want to know why I do it? Why I spend money on you? Why I love you, and never get anything in return? Because of your benefits. That's it. You've given me more pleasure than any other man in the world!"

He leaned forward, pressing into her. His face was just an inch from hers. "Moan for me, bitch. Fucking do it, or I'll make this night even rougher," Travis said.

Travis? Who's that? Cristiana wondered. This was Liam.

Suddenly, she felt panicked inside. Dreadful, fearful. But there was also a familiarity. Had this happened before?

"Do it!" Liam screamed again, snapping her back to reality.

His threats were empty. Cristiana had nothing else to lose.

With all of her will, she slammed her head into his.

Liam gasped and stumbled back. She kicked him, just below the waist. He groaned, falling to the ground.

Cristiana sat up, wincing in pain. Tiny pieces of glass still pierced her back.

"You fucking bitch," Liam mumbled, standing back up. "Why did I ever let you out of those handcuffs? They were your gift, and you wore them so well."

"Who…are you?" Cristiana asked, standing.

Liam pushed her back into the bed. She scrambled backward, ignoring the glass. "I'm your fucking boyfriend! Now do your duty! Handcuff yourself, and maybe I'll consider still fucking you."

"You're insane," Cristiana said, laughing.

"Looks like we both are," Liam said, crawling toward her.

Cristiana moved over slowly to him, reaching out her hands. She placed them on his chest. "Maybe. I'm sorry for being mad."

Liam looked confused. "What…?"

Cristiana pressed her lips against his. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him down to the bed of glass.

She heard him wince in pain as she crawled on top of him, placing her hips on top of his. "Liam…I am nobody's bitch. I'm nobody's tool. I'm glad I was able to give you pleasure on such a level. And you were right. You made me bleed, and you made me plead. So, thank you."

Reaching out, she grabbed hold of a large piece of glass and watched with satisfaction as it sank into his neck.