Blood and Roses

Liam didn't struggle. He was completely still, his chest still rising and falling. He didn't say a single word, only staring into Cristiana's eyes.

And then it disappeared. Life. His chest stopped moving, his eyes became cold and still. His blood had spread across the covers, matching the color of the rose petals that he had scattered across the room for her, just hours before.

Cristiana sucked in a breath. It felt like the first she'd taken in minutes.

Liam was dead.

How did it come to this?

She…Cristiana was a murderer.

What would happen now?

Liam was dead.

She would get arrested. They would put her in jail for the murder of her boyfriend.

But it had been self defense, hadn't it?

So many thoughts continued to pour in until she couldn't understand them anymore.

What would she do?

Maybe try to cover it up? Dispose of the body somehow? Maybe in the ocean? No way she wouldn't get caught. There were workers and cameras everywhere. They would notice he was missing at some point since the cruise still had five days left.

Liam was really dead, she thought for what seemed like the hundredth time.

She sat on the ground, naked and cold, for what seemed like hours. No solutions came to her mind. Morning was nearing. She would be found out soon enough.

The room was a complete mess. Glass was everywhere. A lamp had been knocked over. And the blood. So much blood.

Cristiana needed to clear her head. Standing, she stumbled to the bathroom. She avoided the mirror. There was no way she could look at herself after what she'd done.

She stood in the shower for at least an hour, letting the warm water cleanse her body of everything that had happened. The cuts on her arms and the tiny holes all across her back where the glass had punctured her skin burned under the water.

She washed herself multiple times, scrubbing as hard as she could.

But when Cristiana stepped out, she still felt dirty, even though she had washed herself multiple times. It still felt like she had Liam's blood all over her body.

She dressed, avoiding looking at the scene just a few feet from her. Maybe if she pretended it hadn't happened, it would all just go away?

But that wasn't the way the world worked.

She set to work, wrapping the pale body in the comforter. It was heavy, but Cristiana was able to pull it carefully to the ground. Then, she rolled it underneath the bed. Out of sight, out of mind.

There was a knock on the door.

Cristiana spun around, fear jolting through her body.

"Housekeeping," said a voice through the door.

She crept to the door, opening it slightly. A cheerful face greeted her. "Hello! Housekeeping?"

Cristiana faked a cough. "Uh…no, I'm sorry. I'm feeling sick right now. Maybe tomorrow?"

The worker nodded. "Of course." With that, she grabbed her cart and moved down to the next room.

Cristiana shut the door, locking it behind her. She was safe…for now. The housekeeper would come eventually, at a time she wasn't expecting. But it would do for at least the day.

She cleaned up all the glass, picking the pieces up one by one and disposing of them in the trash can. There were at least a hundred rose petals, all of which she put in the trash can. Hopefully, the housekeeper wouldn't be too nosy about its contents.

All of the cleaning seemed to be sucking the energy out of Cristiana. She hadn't had good sleep since she'd been on the ship. It looked like that wouldn't be changing anytime soon.

She was also hungry. It was nearing noon already. Maybe getting something to eat would help distract her mind.

The dining room was a much longer walk this time. It felt like miles. The world around Cristiana felt slower too, and she began to feel paranoid. People glanced at her with suspicious eyes, as if they were about to accuse her of something. And the cameras. They were everywhere, their lenses pointed straight at her. Cristiana began to scratch at her hands, where Liam's blood had stayed for hours.

Finally, she made it to her table.

"Madam, can I get you something to drink?" Milly asked politely.

"Just…just water I think."

"Very good. Will Mr. Liam be joining us today?"

Cristiana shook her head. "Nope. Uh…he said he's feeling a little sick. Maybe tomorrow."

"Of course." And she was gone.

Gerard arrived just a moment later. "Madam. I heard Mr. Liam is feeling sick. Is there anything we can do?"

"No no. Nothing. It's just his stomach, I think," Cristiana responded.

"I know what's wrong with him," Gerard said.

Cristiana felt her muscles tense.

"I will speak to our chefs. Liam is the fourth person today to have stomach issues. I will address this problem immediately."

"Oh, thank you."

Gerard pointed at her menu. "Before I do that, what can I get you to eat?"

And so, Cristiana ordered. The rest of the meal went smoothly and was actually very enjoyable.

Killing really worked up the appetite.