Its Sunday morning, bright and sunny in a mild way.
Anabel turned over in bed as she on her phone to check the time she then turned to check Sarah, Sarah has been sleeping like a cool child, she looks so pretty to be disturbed but annoying Anabel said as she stood up from the bed went to the balcony a short while later for a breath of fresh air, she had her book of psalms and read couples of passages from it. Just as she concluded her last passage, she was reading she remembered she had an appointment with her hair stylist.
She hurriedly went straight to the bathroom, took a white short gown with a black collar and make her self-breakfast, the aroma of the food woke Sarah up.
oh my Anabel I can't wait for that breakfast, please I don't eat boiled egg I love it fry, look at this one you better take your ass off the bed and prepare whatever you want you owe me an apology, what again Anabel, Apology!! For what, yesterday of course you didn't apologize for your heart damages , Anabel I did don't you remember in the car Anabel come on its Sunday morning it an holy day don't ruin it anger again and so that why you didn't make breakfast for two , oh I didn't remember you apologize, Anabel wait are you for real you didn't make breakfast for two Sarah said as she head to the kitchen , I am seeing two plates of noodles and two cup of orange juice , so do you have a ghost visitor in this room Anabel, yes the visitor would soon arrive, whatever tell the visitor that there was a hungry woman in your house that eat all the food she carried one plate and eat , oh my gosh!! Irritating, what irritating Anabel, you didn't even brush, it doesn't mean am hungry man is an angry man I dey home no be outside.
well am in a hurry I book an appointment with Tasha and you know how busy her shop is always, so I need to go. Anabel today is Sunday aren't you going to church? I will go for the evening service miss Sarah my hair is rough tomorrow is Monday, so if I didn't wake up you leave me Anabel .
I don't want to disturb you
oh really !if you say so .
They both soon set up to go meet the hairdresser , the Hairdresser salon was packed up with customers when she arrived . A harassed looking Tasha the boss of the salon waved at her from the transparent glass partitioning , which separated her office from the rest of the salon . The boss came out to welcome them as she also apologize for the crowd. All her employees were tied up with customers and with a few more waiting to take their turn, the whole place was field with customers .
Tasha apologize again for the congestion , Anabel assumed her that is alright that she is going to do some shopping for a while and that hopefully the crowd would have eased up a bit , Tasha agreed it was the best thing to do and promised her she would attend to her if her employees are still busy. They came of the salon first they head to Anabel drycleaner, Manuel.
Good day ma , how are you what about your boss ?, he is on his way to the office , ok she handed the clothes to them and they leave, they head to Addide Supermarket , Anabel bought deodorant spray, and some Georgie's Sarah also shop she bought her boyfriend a skin made wallet . They came out of the mall heading back to the salon , as they both got there the customer has reduced .
Tasha waved to her, Anabel hair last for an hour as they move out of the salon it was past 2 o'clock Anabel phone ring which is Fedrick. Hello damsel , how you doing? Am good Fedrick and you , hum good also and besides Anabel am suggesting you should come join me at the tennis club , or you are not back from church? Or you don't want to come have fun with me?, not at all Fedrick ok if that is I and my best friend is coming send the location , ok dear I do that. Sarah would you mind to follow me ?, why not Anabel who no like better thing , Anabel and Sarah laughed loudly. They both got to the venue , Fedrick has signed for a spare racket for Sarah before leading them to the court , where a young guy was already tossing ball with a friend , the guy caught sight with them and came over with the friend , He was Fedrick friend whose name is Orris, with hiss friend Chris , to say hello. Hello there! He called out as they strode toward them Chris you meet Fedrick my exclusive and international friend whom you have heard so much about . Fedrick and Chris shook hand and exchange pleasantries , do0ont mind Orris I am a simple person Chris , as Orris came over to Anabel and Sarah. Hello he greeted with obvious pleasure, Anabel its certainly good to see you Fedrick had talked about you to me, wow! Really its good to see you Orris Anabel answered laughing , and wont you introduce me to your friend Orris added . Oh sorry!! She is Sarah my exclusive and international friend she said laughing , Orris laughed those were my words , Orris shook hand and exchange pleasantries its nice to see you Sarah , thanks Orris is also nice to see you too !.
Hey guys !let start Fedrick shouting from afar , come on beautiful ladies let go catch fun ! they all went to meet Orris where the table tennis club Fedrick signed for a spare racket for Sarah they all played for about 4 hours . So guys what about going to an outing to the amusement park there is still time Orris asked , Oh no Orris I got to go home tomorrow is Monday which you and I know it's a work day Anabel Added , ok what about next week miss Anabel before Anabel could answer Fedrick who was just coming up heard the question and answer why not! Anabel and Sarah smile decided we might as well go with their plan, unexpected Fedrick went to Anabel and give her a deep kiss, thanks for coming , Sarah was amazed and surprise, Anabel was surprise she doesn't know what to say Anabel please be my girl as she was about to talk he shut her up with a deep kiss , come on Anabel say yes Orris said , Anabel say yes Sarah added , it took her a minute she said yes Fedrick hug her tight Anabel felt shy and uncomfortable . They both emerge into Fedrick range rover car. It was a peaceful chilling night, Anabel thanks Fedrick for a lovely outing Sarah also appreciate, they drop Sarah at her house she bid them bye .
Soon Fedrick got to Anabel parent home , your parent home are lovely , thanks I really appreciate , Good night Fedrick and thanks for today Anabel answered softly , Fedrick took her hand and panted a soft kiss on it , Anabel always find his touching disturbing she felt un comfortable and made her feel vulnerable . Anabel I would like to see you again to spend a night with you he said with deliberate candor, he looked directly at her. Its Chilly night Anabel so I wont want to keep you standing out here for so long , sleep well darling he ended and brush his lip very lightly against Anabel lip , this gave Anabel a vulnerable reaction . she bid him bye as he watched her enter the house. Fedrick smile as he drove away.