A Useful Third Wheel

"No, you misunderstand me," Andrea told the desk sergeant. "I don't need Detective Vargas to go with me, I just need an assigned officer to accompany us today."

They were back at the police precinct, which appeared to be no quieter for being a weekend. But this desk sergeant was far less helpful than the one she had spoken with previously. He seemed to be struggling to understand her request.

She'd received a message just after breakfast that the digital forensics team managed to recover more of the corrupted security footage from the Castilian. Unfortunately, there were no cameras on the exclusive upper floors where Kyle's condo was, and the footage from the lobby and garage so far hadn't shown Beatrix entering the building or riding the express elevator that was the only access to the uppermost floors. For now, the police were busy trying to identify everyone who was on the footage to try to isolate anyone who wasn't a resident.