Not a Loss

Kyle didn't appreciate being made to wait in the hall.

Not that there was anything wrong with the hall, but as a waiting room? Felt like being put in timeout. Nowhere to sit. Nothing to look at.

At least when Maddox moved everyone out of the condo, the state of the hallway improved. Just needed proper decoration. Add one Andrea, brightens up any drab locale.

Soon, a pair of uniformed officers stepped from the elevator. Must have been nearby when the call went out. Maddox explained the situation, relieved he wasn't the ranking officer on scene anymore.

…Did he just say "we" found the contact lens? Andrea didn't seem to mind, she was too quick to share credit sometimes. Needed to talk herself up more. He'd be happy to do it for her. Be her hype man. Sing her praises.

She'd probably prefer he didn't. Modesty was another of her admirable qualities.