
It was quickly apparent that at least one of Andrea's fears was unfounded. The information included on the laptop was certainly not useless.

The company had hired an outside consultant to come in and conduct a forensic audit of the business, including financials and records. There were transcripts of interviews akin to interrogations in many cases. There were breakdowns of the techniques used to evade inspections, valuations on the cargo being smuggled, recommendations on steps to take to improve security…

What there wasn't, was a summary page saying, In conclusion, we have found that Micky the Mafia Guy is the one behind this all. The focus was on identifying and eliminating the problem within the docks, not dealing with the actual criminals. The information they needed might still be in there somewhere—it might even just be a matter of finding it, rather than piecing it together from clues and evidence—but this was going to be more than a one day job.