Loaded Look

It was a dirty trick, and Andrea was not going to surrender. She maintained her gaze as Madison came in.

"By the way Andi, Simon Walker was asking for you earlier. I said that you were very busy this… morning…" Madison hesitated as she took in the scene in front of her. "Are you busy?"

"Don't ask," said Andrea, conscious of how odd they must look, knee-to-knee, leaning in so close their noses were almost touching, staring at one another. "It's not what it looks like."

"Really?" said Madison, doubtfully. "Because it looks pretty silly."

Put like that, Andrea had to admit that it was exactly what it looked like. Kyle was grinning; clearly he didn't mind Madison seeing them behave so ridiculously. It was only Andrea that was put at a disadvantage. But whatever embarrassment there was from Madison catching them like this, the damage was done.

"What have you got for us, Mads?" she asked, still not breaking eye contact.