You’ll Understand

Kyle read the opening line with dawning recognition—Simon's email. "I thought you deleted this?"

"I did," Andrea replied. "It was still in the trash folder, so I just pulled it back out."

She'd lost some of the color in her face. Kyle kept reading.

I hope that this message reaches you. I need a chance to explain…

I know our conversation earlier didn't end the way either one of us would have liked. I need you to give me time to properly explain things, and I'm sure you'll appreciate where I am coming from once you do.

I've tried so hard to spend time with you, but nothing worked! I don't know where we went wrong. I tried asking, I made time for you, and you left me no choice. I only want what's best for both of us. Did you really think I'd hurt you? Why are you assuming the worst from me?