What If…

As soon as the door closed behind Vargas, Kyle watched Andrea slump. She rubbed her eyes, suddenly looking a lot more tired. She'd obviously been maintaining a facade for Vargas, and now she was letting the mask slip a little.

On the one hand, he hated to see her feeling this way. On the other, he knew she hated to be seen this way, knew how much she fought to conceal it.

After their breakfast together, Andrea had fully prepared for the day. Kyle always found it interesting what choices she made, what she was projecting, consciously or unconsciously. Always marveled at how she effortlessly enhanced her own features with slight adjustments. Some of her hair fell forward the way he liked, but otherwise she'd managed to recreate the side braid she used to wear and a much smaller bun. Everything was polished and put together, all the details in place... Nobody would ever know about the night she'd had.