Chapter 17: The Royal Palace

Silently, they walked towards the grand entrance of the palace. The doors, made of the same rare alloy as Elara's weapon, were still as imposing as they must have been in their prime. Weathered but unyielding, they stood as a testament to the resilience of her people.

The air was thick with dust, making their steps echo in the eerily quiet palace. Elara paused as they crossed the threshold, glancing around at the familiar setting with a wistful expression. Her eyes held a deep sadness, a mourning for the loss of her home and her people. The palace, once filled with laughter and life, was now a shell of its former self.

As they ventured deeper, the sophisticated design of the palace became apparent. Even in its state of decay, the remnants of luxurious furnishings and advanced technology painted a picture of a highly developed civilization.

They finally reached a large, ornate door at the end of a long corridor. "This is the entrance to the royal vaults," Elara announced, her voice echoing through the desolate hallway.

"Elara….. Before we do this would you like to go to your parents room and yours and collect anything to remind you of them for the future." She stops turns smiles at Caden and hugs him. "Thank you so much Caden it means so much to me."

With a nod of understanding, Elara led Caden towards a different section of the palace. The hallways here were narrower, more intimate, the atmosphere heavy with personal history. Intricate artwork adorned the walls, and despite the years of neglect, the remaining furniture still showcased the sophisticated aesthetic of her people.

First, they arrived at her parents' chamber. Even with the dust and decay, the room held a certain regality. Ancient books, precious trinkets, and handcrafted ornaments were arranged meticulously. Elara walked slowly around the room, her fingertips brushing over the familiar items. She carefully selected a few objects: a beautiful ornate box that had been her mother's, a collection of antique books her father loved, and a small pendant with the symbol of her royal house.

Next was Elara's own room. Smaller, yet no less grand, it was a snapshot of her life frozen in time. She picked up a few cherished items from her past, including an intricately designed handheld device that looked like a music player, a few personal journals, and a pair of ornate hairpins that, as she explained to Caden, had been passed down through generations of royal women.

Once they had collected all the personal items, they headed back towards the royal vaults. The weight of the past seemed lighter now, replaced by a sense of urgency as they prepared to delve deeper into the heart of the palace. Both of them felt an intense curiosity about what secrets they might uncover next.

The Royal Vaults of the "Eleutheria Dynasty" were infamous throughout the lore of Elara's people, known to hold treasures, knowledge, and devices beyond imagination. The vault was protected by a thick, unyielding door, engraved with the royal insignia and opening into an antechamber. It was here that an elevator stood, waiting to ferry them deeper into the earth.

Descending first to Level One, the chamber was a spectacle of glimmering wealth. Multicolored gems twinkled in the ambient light, adorning crowns, scepters, and royal jewelry. Golden artifacts, laden with precious stones, were displayed in cases of protective crystal. Caden and Elara collected a few select items, conscious of their weight and bulk, for potential future use.

On Level Two, they found items of sentimental value to the Eleutheria Dynasty. Here were ancient family portraits, personal diaries, and heirlooms that had been passed down through the ages. Elara took a few moments to carefully select several items, including a stunning portrait of her parents and a beautiful family tapestry.

Level Three was perhaps the most fascinating, a repository of the secrets of her people. The room was filled with scrolls, tablets, and other storage devices, many of which were unfamiliar to Caden. Elara carefully collected several of these artifacts, her face pensive as she considered the wealth of information that they held.

On the fourth floor, the "Starlight Sanctuary," was a room filled with serene ambiance and white marble, holding a large luminescent crystal. Elara explained that this was a spiritual place, where the queens of her people had come to meditate and connect with their ancestors.

Finally, they reached Level Five. The doors slid open to reveal a vast underground hangar, containing a sleek, silver ship. Elara explained that this ship was built to withstand the rigors of space travel, and equipped with an advanced warp drive system, allowing for long-distance voyages at faster-than-light speeds. As they stood in awe, the ship's design hinted at technology far beyond their current understanding. A potential lifeline to the outside universe.

With the plan set, the three of them got to work immediately. Elara selected various artifacts from the vault, including items of personal and cultural significance. There were ancient texts etched into iridescent stones, delicate pieces of artwork crafted from exotic materials, and various personal items once belonging to her family and the previous rulers of her people. Caden helped to safely store these precious items in his internal storage.

Meanwhile, Xerath worked on the calculations, interfacing with the advanced systems of the ship. Its digital form pulsed with a steady rhythm on Caden's suit interface as it navigated through complex calculations and pathways.

After hours of work, they had gathered and stored away a significant portion of the vault's contents. Although it pained Elara to leave anything behind, she knew they could only take so much.

Eventually, they arrived at the royal escape hangar, the last level of the vault. Elara's eyes widened as she gazed upon a stunning spacecraft. Sleek, elegant, and much larger than any vehicle they'd seen so far, it was obviously designed for interstellar travel. Its lines flowed with the same artistic design that characterized all of Elara's people's technology, yet it had a gravitas, an air of majestic purpose.

Without missing a beat, they loaded the ship, stowing away the cargo of their people's heritage. The ship's hold was spacious, capable of holding far more than what they brought, but every item was meticulously secured. Xerath guided them through the ship's control systems, familiarizing them with its operation.

With everything in place, Elara gave the order, and Xerath initiated the ship's launch sequence. The hangar's massive doors slid open, revealing the starscape beyond. As the ship ascended and soared into the alien sky, Caden and Elara watched it disappear from view, both filled with a mixture of hope and anxiety for the voyage that lay ahead.

With a firm, reassuring squeeze, Caden held Elara in his arms, conveying strength and warmth in the silent hug. The feeling of comfort they found in each other was brief, yet poignant amid the uncertainty of their current situation.

"Elara," he whispered, pulling back to look her in the eyes, "we will see them again. And you're right. That ship's launch will have drawn attention."

His eyes held a determined glint, reflecting the distant twinkling stars overhead. Elara nodded, sharing in his resolve.