Chapter 18: Cosmic Crown Syndicate

His eyes held a determined glint, reflecting the distant twinkling stars overhead. Elara nodded, sharing in his resolve.

Together, they broke into a swift run, heading back to the landing pad. The once-grand cityscape was now a haunting monument to a civilization long lost, its majestic spires and statues dimly lit under the glow of the twin moons. It stood quiet, waiting in the endless night, silently watching as they raced past.

The echoes of their footfalls bounced off the empty buildings, the rhythmic pounding a testament to the urgency of their mission. They ran in unison, Caden with his powerful strides and Elara, graceful and agile, bounding across the ruins of her fallen kingdom. Their breaths were in sync, puffing out in rhythmic clouds against the cool night air.

The royal landing pad soon came into view. The airship they'd left there, another product of her people's technological prowess, waited silently in the muted light. Its streamlined shape was a silent testament to the grandeur of a bygone era, ready to ferry them away from the echoing ghosts of Elara's past.

Caden's gaze sharpened as two figures descended from the sky, landing gracefully on the pad before them. Their outfits were torn and stained with a mix of dirt and blood, a testament to recent battles. They bore the emblem of the Cosmos Crown Syndicate - a rival cultivation order. The two individuals, known to Caden as Erie Shade and Styx Specter, had a notorious reputation within their ranks.

"What happened to you two?" Caden asked, keeping his voice steady and his guard up. He subtly moved Elara behind him, shielding her with his larger frame.

Styx, a burly figure with rugged scars marking his face, grunted. "Mist and Phantom got caught up with some megafauna. Phantom took off, left us behind."

Erie, a lean woman with eyes as cold as the space her order was named after, flicked her gaze to Elara, curiosity sparking in her gaze. "And who's your companion, Caden? She doesn't look like one of us."

Caden felt a tension coil within him. He was acutely aware that this encounter, this clash of orders in a world far removed from their own, could quickly escalate. He responded carefully, "She's someone I'm helping, nothing more. Now if you don't mind, we have a ship to catch."

He hoped his firm stance would deter any further queries. The last thing he wanted was to provoke a confrontation here, in Elara's ancestral home, amidst the ghosts of her past.

Their imposing figures remained rooted on the pad, creating an unyielding barrier to Caden and Elara. Erie's eyes were sharp, slicing through the tense silence with an unwavering focus on Elara. "So, has this world proved... fruitful? Find anything of value?" she asked, her tone laced with insinuation.

Caden held her gaze, his voice measured and steady. "We've barely scratched the surface of this place. The fauna, they're like nothing we've ever seen. The flora, too. It's a researcher's paradise, but as for valuable treasures, we're not here for that."

He hoped his answers would throw them off the scent of what they truly had found. His instincts screamed that they couldn't be trusted with the relics of Elara's people, the knowledge, the technology, the power it all held.

Just then, Elara leaned close, her voice barely a whisper in his ear, "Caden, there's a third person nearby. I hear three heartbeats other than ours."

Caden's heart clenched as his eyes darted around the surrounding area. A third person hiding, possibly ready to strike or gather information. This situation was growing more dangerous by the second. He needed to defuse it, and quickly, before it escalated beyond control. He subtly activated his suit's scanning system, attempting to locate the hidden presence. All the while, he kept the conversation flowing, trying to buy time and maintain the fragile peace on the landing pad.

Caden's suit came up empty in its search for the hidden third person. But as he turned his essence vision on, his heart skipped a beat as he saw a figure crawling beneath the platform they were on. The figure was slowly making its way towards them, obviously planning an ambush.

Swallowing hard, Caden made one last effort to defuse the situation. "Look, we're all here under the Order's decree," he reasoned, "We've each got our own goals and tasks. There's no need to antagonize each other."

But as the words left his mouth, the third person – Phantom, Caden suspected – crept closer, moving in Elara's direction.

No more time.

Caden twisted and lunged with the power of his Stellaris Explosion technique, amplified significantly by the new gauntlets from Valara. The shockwave reverberated through the air, rippling and distorting it as his fist connected with the invisible enemy.

The force sent Phantom hurtling backward, flying across the plaza, and slamming into a distant high-rise building with a deafening crash. Dust billowed out, a plume of debris mushrooming upwards in the wake of the incredible impact. Phantom's form was embedded in the side of the building, a stark silhouette in the crumbling facade.

Silence fell again over the landing pad, heavier this time, punctuated only by the echoes of the shockwave dissipating into the distance. The sudden demonstration of power had stunned Erie and Styx, making them reconsider their stance.

Erie and Styx, momentarily frozen by the shockwave, found their eyes tracking back to Caden. His visage bore the weight of a new intensity, the harsh lines of his face spelling out a clear warning. They could feel the mounting pressure in the air, an invisible weight that turned their guts to ice. This was killing intent, raw and focused.

Caden's voice cut through the hushed silence. "You lied," he said, each word a calculated icepick. "You're not here for the decree, you're here for her." He gestured towards Elara, but didn't take his eyes off them. "I'm telling you this once, leave or I will make you."

Erie and Styx, taken aback, exchanged glances before Erie let out a defiant laugh. "Or else what? You'll beat us into submission? We'll take her either way," he snarled.

Caden's eyes narrowed dangerously at the threat, but before he could respond, a voice cut through the tension.

"I am not a prize to be won," Elara asserted, stepping to Caden's side. Her voice was steady, her expression hardened. With a swift movement, she activated Glistra, the weapon morphing to a defensive stance.

Caden felt a jolt of surprise, but his heart swelled with a newfound respect for Elara. He turned his head slightly, their eyes meeting. In that silent exchange, an understanding was reached. They would stand their ground, together.

The anticipation hung heavy in the air, the calm before the storm. A confrontation was inevitable. The royal landing pad, once a silent monument to a fallen empire, was now set to be the stage of a fight for survival.

As the final words of confrontation settled in the air, Styx made the first move. Lunging toward Caden with surprising speed, Styx's fists shimmered with latent power, projecting a field of force that rippled in the air like heat haze. Caden responded, gauntlets glowing with a soft light as he engaged his Stelaris Explosion technique. The surface of his gauntlets seemed to dance with stars, echoing the might of cosmic phenomena in miniature scale.

Elara, with a subtle command, shifted Glistra into its solid state, bringing up her weapon as Erie moved towards her. Erie, displaying a savage grin, unleashed a barrage of swift strikes, a blinding flurry aiming to overpower the princess. However, Elara's fighting style was fluid, elegant, a ballet of precise movements that reflected the high culture and advanced combat training of her people.

Caden clashed with Styx, the force of their impact radiating outwards. Caden manipulated the Stelaris Explosion technique masterfully, each strike a burst of concentrated energy, mirroring the explosive birth of a star. Styx was relentless, his aggressive style contrasting against Caden's controlled ferocity.

Meanwhile, Elara danced around Erie's attacks, Glistra shifting between solid and flexible as if it were an extension of her own body. One moment, it was a sword, deflecting Erie's blows, the next it was a whip, keeping him at a distance. It was an awe-inspiring display of her people's martial prowess.

Even amidst the violent ballet of their combat, Caden found a moment to glance towards Elara. Their eyes met, a brief moment of connection amidst the chaos. Caden's eyes hardened, determination flaring within him. He couldn't afford to lose here, not when there was so much at stake.

The scene was intense, the two battles interweaving into a chaotic dance. Each clash, each burst of power, every deflected blow seemed to echo through the abandoned city, a testament to the struggle for survival that had found its way to this ancient world.

Erie, recognizing Elara's prowess, began to exert more pressure in their battle. With a quick, fluid motion, he unsheathed a shimmering energy blade, its hum a stark contrast to the silence of their surroundings. With a swift leap, he charged at Elara, his energy blade arcing towards her in a potentially lethal strike.

Elara, however, remained unflustered. With an effortless motion, she deflected Erie's attack, Glistra shifting into its whip state, wrapping around Erie's blade, and pulling it away. With a swift flick of her wrist, she sent Erie sprawling onto the landing pad.

Meanwhile, Styx was giving Caden a formidable challenge. Styx's force-field technique added an extra layer of difficulty, but it was nothing Caden hadn't dealt with before. Waiting for the opportune moment, he countered Styx's punch with his Solar Flare technique. His gauntlets erupted in an intense burst of light and energy, pushing Styx back and momentarily blinding him.

With Styx disoriented, Caden lunged, his fist colliding with Styx's force-field. The impact echoed throughout the city, a silent testament to Caden's power. But instead of the force-field shattering, it held firm. Styx's smile widened as he pushed back, sending Caden skidding across the landing pad.

Caden quickly regained his footing, his gauntlets glowing brighter than before. It was evident that this was not going to be an easy fight. But he was ready. The stakes were high, and he would not allow himself to lose.

Styx and Erie, now on the defensive, shared a glance, reassessing their opponents. This was not the easy victory they had anticipated. They were up against formidable foes, and they were quickly realizing that this battle was far from over.

The battle raged on, the energy between them all crackling with intensity. Styx and Erie's attempts to overpower Elara and Caden were constantly met with fierce resistance. Then, in the midst of the chaos, Caden caught Elara's eye, and with a swift nod, they both changed direction, effectively swapping their opponents.

Elara gracefully dodged Styx's energy blast before launching herself at him. Her Glistra shifted into its solid state, and with a quick flourish, she attacked, her movements fluid and rapid. Despite Styx's robust force-field, Elara's attacks were relentless, gradually weakening his defenses.

Simultaneously, Caden faced Erie. Erie swung his energy blade, but Caden met it head-on with his gauntlets, the clash sparking a brilliant display of light. Using the Stelaris Explosion punch, Caden pushed Erie back, disrupting his rhythm.

Erie tried to regain his footing but found himself off-balance as Caden continued his offensive. In a swift motion, Caden swung a powerful uppercut, the energy from his gauntlets exploding into a bright flash, sending Erie sprawling.

The sudden switch in opponents had caught Styx and Erie off guard. Styx struggled to match Elara's unique fighting style, her Glistra proving to be a formidable weapon. Erie, on the other hand, found it challenging to counter Caden's explosive techniques. Their synergy was unmatched, and it was clear that the tables were turning.

Erie, dazed and reeling from the sheer impact of Caden's blows, looked on in stunned disbelief as Caden ran up the side of the palace's wall, almost defying gravity. Caden's energy flared as he charged another Stelaris explosion punch, the energy cascading around his gauntlet in a radiant display of power.

Propelling himself off the wall, Caden rocketed towards Erie. The speed and force behind his motion were like a human cannonball, and the impact site on the palace wall bore the brunt of his departure, leaving a deep, smoldering crater. The moment felt almost suspended in time as Caden closed the distance, his fist driving forward with unrelenting force.

The force of the Stelaris punch connecting with Erie's face was so potent that it created a shockwave, shattering every piece of glass within a block's radius. The shockwave echoed out, a visible ripple of energy that resonated with the raw power of Caden's attack.

Sent careening by the force of the punch, Erie slammed into the side of an adjoining building, leaving a sizeable dent in the structure. Half-conscious and suspended in the air, he was barely able to process what just happened.

Turning his attention to the ground below, Caden's gaze found Elara, engaged in a fierce battle with Styx. Her form was a blur of agile movements, her Glistra a deadly tool in her hands, slashing and twirling in a dance of deadly grace. Her attacks were relentless, a storm that Styx struggled to weather.

Elara was a dazzling force on the battlefield. Her movements were swift, precise, and deadly. Her weapon, Glistra, moved like a part of her own body, slicing through Styx's force field techniques with ease. She found the openings in his defenses, exploiting them with an uncanny precision that left him scrambling.

Styx managed to land a powerful hit on her, but it did little to slow her down. Instead, she used the momentum to launch herself into a counterattack. She disappeared in an eyeblink and appeared behind Styx, a glowing mass of energy pulsating in her hand.

This technique was known as "Nexus Strike," a signature move of her people's royal guards. It was a powerful attack that targeted the opponent's core, sending a shockwave of energy through their body, momentarily distorting their internal energy flow. The distortion made it difficult for them to muster their power or maintain their defenses, creating an opening for Elara to exploit.

The Nexus Strike landed squarely on Styx's back. He cried out as the energy pulsed through him, his defenses wavering. Seizing the opportunity, Elara jumped back, pulling out her crystal rifle. She swiftly fired a series of blasts at Styx, the energy projectiles lighting up the battlefield with their brilliant luminescence. The blasts exploded against Styx's compromised defenses, throwing him off balance. He was struggling to regain his footing, clearly taken aback by Elara's relentless assault.

Caden watched in awe as Elara's technique landed squarely, the 'Nexus Strike' leaving Styx vulnerable. He had no time to marvel at her skill though, not when there was an opening. With an astute decision, Caden turned his attention back to the battle, capitalizing on Elara's attack. His descent from his high jump added to his momentum, and he began to channel energy into his gauntlets, an energy aura shaping into the form of massive fists.

These were Stellar Fists, aura projections of his gauntlets charged with his energy. Like Caden's punch but with range, they were powerful enough to send an opponent flying. And now, with Styx's defenses weakened, they were a perfect weapon.

With pinpoint accuracy, Caden unleashed a barrage of these Stellar Fists towards Styx. They shot through the air, trailing streaks of brilliant light, and landed with thunderous impact. Each one hit Styx like a sledgehammer, driving him further into the ground with each strike.

The ground beneath Styx crumbled from the force, a crater forming around him as the Stellar Fists drove him deeper into the earth. The raw power of the attack shook the platform, dust and debris billowing up from the impact. The continuous pounding was like a rhythmic drum, each beat marking Styx's further descent into defeat.

Caden's descent ended as he landed with grace, his gaze fixed on the now heavily dust-covered crater, where Styx was still trying to recover. The intensity of the Stellar Fists barrage had left a clear mark, and Caden could see Styx was significantly weakened. The battlefield was lit by the residual energy of his attack, casting an eerie glow over the scene.

As Caden landed, his attention focused on Styx's impending defeat. He failed to notice the recovering Erie, who, through sheer will and spite, had managed to right themselves in the air. With a vindictive sneer on their face, Erie descended rapidly towards Caden, a razor-sharp blade materializing in their hands, gleaming dangerously in the city's half-light.

The blade cut through the air, aimed straight at the unsuspecting Caden's head. But before disaster could strike, a flash of iridescent light intersected Erie's path. Elara, having seen the incoming danger, had acted swiftly. She had drawn her glistra in one fluid motion, its crystalline edge meeting Erie's blade with a resounding clang. The force of her deflection sent Erie off-balance in mid-air, the surprise evident on their face.

But Elara wasn't done. She quickly repositioned herself, her glistra humming as she slashed it across Erie's path. The sharp edge of the weapon found its mark, slicing across Erie's midsection with a decisive cut. The impact sent Erie reeling backward, a stunned expression on their face as they clutched the fresh wound, their descent to the ground marking their defeat.

Elara stood there, her glistra still in hand, a fierce determination evident in her eyes. Caden turned to look at her, a newfound respect etched on his face as he watched Erie's defeated form collapse onto the landing pad. The battlefield was bathed in the eerie glow of the residual energy from their fight, the silence a stark contrast to the intense battle that had just taken place.

Caden paced over to the fallen form of Erie. He squatted beside her, his fingers gently pressing against her neck, searching for a pulse. The silence that followed seemed to stretch into infinity. The pulse never came. Erie Shade, once a formidable foe, now lay lifeless on the cold, hard ground.

Styx's cries echoed around the landing pad, a raw, heart-wrenching sound that was filled with grief and fury. Caden rose, his expression stoic but his eyes glinting with resolve. He moved towards Styx, who was now on his knees, his anguished cries subsiding into quiet sobs. The scene was heartrending, but it was a path they had chosen.

Caden crouched down before Styx, his gaze unwavering. "This is your fault," he stated, his voice calm but laden with bitter truth. "You wanted this conflict, not us." He gestured towards Elara, who was standing a short distance away, her eyes reflecting a mix of relief and sorrow. "And I know," Caden continued, "that if I were to leave you now, you'd hunt her."

His words hung heavy in the air. "I cannot let that happen. I will protect her with my life." His gaze hardened as he looked into Styx's eyes, seeing the unspoken vow of revenge burning there. "We can't have that," he murmured.

Turning to Elara, he asked her to look away. This was not something he wanted her to witness. As she complied, Caden took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to do. His hands reached out, gently cradling Styx's head. "This is the path you chose," he said, a quiet finality to his words.

With a swift, sure motion, Caden separated Styx's head from his body. It was a quick, painless end, a mercy that Styx had not extended to others. The silence that descended was deep and profound, broken only by the distant sound of the city coming alive in the morning light. The battle was over, but the echoes of its consequences would resonate for a long time to come.

Caden tells Elara, "I'll be right back," his voice calm despite the recent violence. Without another word, he leaps off the landing pad, his figure diminishing in the distance until it lands on a distant high-rise, a block away.

This was where Phantom had been sent flying. Caden found him sprawled amidst shattered glass and bent steel, his body lifeless. His neck was twisted at an unnatural angle, clearly broken from the impact of Caden's punch and his subsequent collision with the building.

Caden carefully extricated Phantom's body from the suit, the movements respectful despite the circumstances. Then, with a flicker of light, he stored the lifeless body in his internal storage. This was not an act of disrespect, but rather one of necessity, knowing that leaving the body here could lead to further complications.

Returning to Elara, Caden handed her the vacated suit. "Put this on," he instructed her. "It's equipped with a warp device. If anything happens, if we get separated, this will take you back to the space station." His gaze held hers, his stern countenance softened by the obvious concern in his eyes. "We'll meet each other there, no matter what happens." He knew that they were not safe yet, but at least this way, they would have a reliable way to reunite if the worst should occur.

Silently, Caden moved over to the bodies of Erie and Styx. Kneeling down, he first closed their eyes, a final gesture of respect for their life force. Then, with the same mechanism he had used for Phantom, Caden transported the bodies into his internal storage. There, they would be preserved, free from desecration, until he could find a more appropriate resting place. The somber task completed, Caden turned back to Elara, ready to continue their mission.