Chapter 63: Moon Shatter

Caden's voice echoed through the vast, near-vacuum expanse, somehow reaching Valara. It wasn't just the sound of his voice that was different – it held a certain cadence that was alien and ominous. Yet, underlying all of that was the same spirit, the same fire that she recognized as Caden. His words seemed to resonate in the very particles around them, causing a brief tremor in the ambient energy of the moon's surface.

Valara steadied herself, despite the ringing in her ears and the aches spreading across her body. A smirk etched itself onto her face as she met Caden's pitch-black eyes. Her eyes glowed with renewed determination and exhilaration. Her essence began to stir around her, whipping up a vibrant, red aura that contrasted starkly against the monochrome surroundings.