Chapter 64: A Masters Word

Valara stepped onto the stage, the remnants of her previous duel barely visible on her face but clear in the careful way she moved. There was a murmur of respect, and the clatter of conversation dimmed as she raised her hand. A palpable hush descended over the crowd, the anticipation thick in the air.

"Thank you, Seekers, Keepers, and Elites for coming," she began, her voice resonating through the amphitheater. Her gaze swept over them all, the weight of her words felt by each one.

"As most of you are aware, a duel of great intensity took place a few days ago between your fellow Order Member, Caden, and myself. A duel that, in our passion and resolve, became...extreme." A knowing smile crossed her face as murmurs rippled through the crowd.

"We pushed the limits, testing the boundaries of our power," she continued. Her gaze landed on the far wall where a colossal hologram showed the image of their moon, now broken in two. A collective gasp filled the air.