Chapter 117: Arrival and Imperial Welcome

The envirosuits designed by Caden and Elara with the help of the Trio were marvels of modern engineering. As Caden and Elara stepped into them, they found the suits snugly fitting around their forms. The suits weren't bulky or restrictive; instead, they felt like a second skin, seamlessly integrating with their movements. LEDs pulsed softly as the suits initialized, and the submind AIs, Polaris and Vega, began their system diagnostics.

Caden's HUD flashed to life, overlaying critical information directly into his field of vision. He could see his vital stats, a real-time map of the ship, communication channels, and other crucial data. "Polaris, run a final systems check," Caden ordered.

"All systems operational, Caden," Polaris responded promptly. "All equipment is secured and ready for deployment."