Chapter 242: Hyper Speed Flight

Feeling the need to clear his head and test the limits of his newfound power, Caden stepped out into the garden. He took a deep breath, feeling the calm of the surroundings, and then focused inward, channeling his essence.

In a flash, like a comet igniting, Caden took off into the sky. His speed was astonishing, a blur against the backdrop of the sky. Within a mere second, he was in space, the planet Starblossom III shrinking rapidly behind him.

Amazed at his own capabilities, Caden decided to push further. He began circling the planet, each orbit taking only about 45 seconds. From the ground, he appeared as a fleeting streak of royal purple essence, his trail briefly lighting up the sky.

Down at the dockyards' space traffic control, operators watched in disbelief as their radars picked up the anomaly. "What in the cosmos is that?" one of the controllers muttered, staring at the screen that showed Caden's rapid movement.