Chapter 248: Baby names

Reinvigorated by the success of their groundbreaking journey, Caden, Valara, and Solan prepared to return through the warp portal to the Regional Capital Building. The shimmering jade light of the portal beckoned them once again, and with a shared look of excitement and anticipation, they stepped through.

The sensation of warping was just as exhilarating the second time. The brief moment of disorientation gave way to the familiar surroundings of the Regional Capital Building's warp room. They emerged from the portal, each with a renewed sense of wonder at the marvel they had just experienced.

Solan, especially, was visibly thrilled. "I can't believe how fast and seamless that was," he exclaimed as they walked back up the stairs towards the entrance of the building. "We just traveled between planets in a heartbeat! This is going to change everything."