Chapter 249: Solan's New Mission

Just as Solan and Selene were settling into their conversation, Solan's data slate buzzed with an alert. He picked it up and saw a message from Solari, the Order Master. The message was brief but urgent: "Solan, there's a mission I need you for. Come to my office ASAP."

Solan's expression shifted to one of seriousness as he read the message aloud. "Looks like duty calls. Solari needs me for a mission."

Selene's face mirrored his concern. "A mission? Do you have any idea what it's about?"

Solan shook his head as he stood up. "No clue, but if Solari's messaging me directly and urgently, it must be important. I better head over to his office right away."

Selene nodded in understanding. "Be careful, Solan. Whatever it is, just... be safe."

Solan leaned down and gave her a reassuring kiss. "I will. I'll let you know as soon as I find out more." He then quickly made his way out of the room, his steps brisk as he headed towards the Order Master's office.