Chapter 250: Eridani's Edge

As the Starbound Fury emerged gracefully into the Eridani system, the bridge crew was immediately alert, scanning the new environment. The system was not heavily populated, but it held strategic importance due to its location near the fringe of known space and proximity to wild space.

The Systems Officer, Lieutenant Taryn Jax, provided a brief overview. "We are now in the Eridani system. The primary planet here is Eridani's Edge, a small mining outpost and spaceport. It's a hub for various mining operations in the asteroid belt nearby and serves as a waypoint for travelers heading towards or coming from wild space."

Solan, standing at the forefront of the bridge, surveyed the star map on the main display. "Eridani's Edge," he mused aloud. "Likely a no-frills kind of place, focused on mining and trade. Do we have any contacts or allies on the ground?"