Chapter 270: Binary Births

In the deep stillness of the night, a sudden urgency broke the tranquility of the Royal Palace. Elara, stirred from her sleep by an unexpected sensation, realized with a mix of excitement and nervousness that her water had broken. The moment they had been eagerly awaiting was finally here.

" Caden," she whispered, gently shaking her husband awake. Her voice was calm, but it carried an undercurrent of anticipation.

Startled from his sleep, Caden's eyes snapped open, instantly alert. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern etching his features.

"It's time," Elara said, a slight quiver in her voice betraying her emotions. "The baby is coming."

Caden, without missing a beat, leaped into action. His usual composed demeanor was replaced by a flurry of activity. "I'll call the physician right away," he said, reaching for the communicator on the nightstand.