Chapter 271: Double Suprises

The room, already radiant with joy from the births, became an even brighter haven of celebration as Solan, with a gleaming ring in his hand, knelt before Selene. His gesture, so full of love and commitment, drew everyone's attention. The air seemed to hold its breath, the gentle cooing of the babies the only sound.

Selene's eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and sheer happiness lighting up her face. For a moment, she was speechless, her hands covering her mouth in disbelief. Then, with a voice trembling with emotion, she whispered, "Of course, my love," her eyes sparkling with tears of joy.

The room erupted in cheers and applause. Caden and Elara exchanged a look of immense pride and joy, their hearts swelling with love for their son and soon-to-be daughter-in-law. Elara, with baby Lysara still in her arms, leaned closer to Caden, whispering, "Our family is truly blessed."