Chapter 285: Fast and Methodical

The moment hung suspended, like the calm before a storm. Beta Elara, with a slight smirk, broke the silence. "Your determination is admirable, but ultimately futile. Do you think you can just waltz in here and leave with what you desire? You're playing a dangerous game, Caden."

Caden's expression didn't waver. "It's a game you started when you decided to cross into my universe and take Aeliana. I'm just finishing it."

Beta Elara stepped closer, her aura of command growing. "You may have power in your universe, but here, I am the authority. Your actions are nothing but a rebellion against my rule."

Caden clenched his fists, his essence swirling around him like a storm. "Then consider this an act of rebellion. I won't stop until Aeliana is safe."