Chapter 286: Return

While in the warp Caden looked down in his hand, he tightly gripped Beta Elara's data slate, its surface cold and unyielding. Without a second thought, he flung it into the swirling maelstrom of warp space, watching it disappear into the unknown. It was a symbolic gesture, severing Beta Elara's link to this confrontation. Emerging from the warp Caden's eyes were fixed on the shuttle ahead, his mind calculating his next move. 

Arriving back at the shuttle, he found Beta Caden still unconscious where he left him. Swiftly and efficiently, Caden stripped Beta Caden of his uniform, replacing his own attire with it. He needed to blend in, to move unnoticed for the next phase of his plan. With the uniform on, he took Beta Caden's data slate, a crucial tool for what was to come.