Bad Luck

" The dwarves said that the Home of Kindness discriminated against them and that we were targeting the dwarves.

" They're protesting that we're targeting and only killing the Dwarves, not the other Outlanders. Even the despicable Orcs weren't killed, so why should the Dwarves be killed?

"Milord, how should we respond this time?

"Should we leave their ears or their hands?"

Reid's eyes turned cold.

He had followed An Kai for many years, and he did not like dwarves.

A group of dwarves living on a small island dared to protest against their Home of Kindness?

The so-called saving hands or ears meant that the other parts were chopped up and fed to the fish.

An Kai waved his hand gently and said slowly,

"What's wrong? This time, those dwarves didn't continue to threaten us with destruction once the restriction was left?"

"No, sir," Reid said in disappointment.