Four and a Half Years Later

Dealing with the Four Great Human Associations.

Compared to the Outlanders, An Kai's methods were gentler.

There was only one way for An Kai to deal with the human race, especially the four associations.

That was to let them join his "Home of Kindness" and publicly appear in the city to welcome other humans to Home of Kindness.

They also openly revealed the dirty matters of the four human associations.

In addition, some people deliberately publicized it, and every dirty matter of the four human associations would be magnified and spread.

The foreign races were behind this.

The thoughts of the Outlanders were very simple. We should suffer together.

When An Kai announced these arrangements, the Home of Kindness instantly became a thorn in the side of the big forces.

Some small and medium-sized forces were impressed by Home of Kindness.