Magical Use of [Meditation: Secret True Name]

Even though he only sensed the thick fourth-tier domain aura for a moment, the level 8 god standing opposite An Kai could also sense how powerful it was!

It was more powerful than all the level seven gods he had seen.

" Rumor has it that there is a powerful level seven god under the [God of Light], but he hasn't appeared yet. Could it be him?!"

Thinking of this, the level eight god standing in front of An Kai became even more terrified and respectful…

"Sir, do you need me to lead the way?" He lowered his head and looked at his toes.

Hearing this humble tone, An Kai was delighted.

His plan seemed to be very successful.

"No need," he said indifferently, his face expressionless.

Then, he waved his hand.

The level eight god in front of An Kai instantly understood.

Without any hesitation, he turned around and left.

In an instant, he returned to the sky and continued his patrol…