Magical Use of Meditation: Secret True Name

Gods with enough talent would have long advanced to a level seven god.


Two Domains clashed!

Just looking at the Domain, An Kai was a level higher!

If they stopped to fight, it would be hard to say.

However, An Kai was not in the mood to fight with the other party.

His goal was to reach the sixth level of the Divine Court, not to destroy the seventh-level gods.

Under the guidance of the fourth stage of the [Domain], he suddenly passed through the first level 7 god domain.

Until An Kai's figure disappeared.

The first unlucky person, a level-7 god, finally reacted.

Just as he was about to control his [Domain] to counterattack…

However, as An Kai's figure disappeared…

All of a sudden.

His memories began to disappear.

Staring blankly at the hole in his [Domain]…

"Strange, why is there a hole in my [Domain]?"

With a thought, the level-7 god repaired his domain.