(Darth Lumiya.)

Chapter three:

A few days later, Emperor Palpatine was still combing the galaxy, searching the dark force that he had sensed earlier.

"Were is it?" Emperor Palpatine shouted in frustration. Suddenly, he felt the same dark force. "There! Land on Deralia!" Emperor Palpatine commanded.

As they descended into Deralia's atmosphere, Emperor Palpatine began to wonder about this person. They were so strong with the force and yet the Jedi Council hasn't found them... Perhaps he was wrong...

"No." Emperor Palpatine said firmly. He was the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic and he deceived the Jedi, including Master Yoda. Emperor Palpatine had clawed his way to the top, and he will not let go until he had it all. This apprentice would help him, and Emperor Palpatine would not doubt the force.

"Sir, we have landed on Deralia. We await further instructions." Said a B-2 Ultra Droid.

"Excellent. Lower the ramp, and you all will come with me." Replied Emperor Palpatine. With a hiss, the ramp lowered, and they walked out. Hopefully, they wouldn't attract too much attention. A few people stared, but eventually left them alone. For three hours, they searched, but no luck. As the sun began to dip building's, Emperor Palpatine stopped in front of a small, well kept house.

"It's here." Emperor Palpatine murmured, and pulled his black hood over his face. He then knocked on the door, and a light flickered on somewhere in the house.

"Who's there?" Asked a voice from behind the door. It sounded like a girl.

Emperor Palpatine then took his hood off and said. "This is the Supreme Chancellor . And I mean you no harm. May I come in?" A soft click came from behind the door and then the door creaked open. A girl stood there, no more than seventeen, with long brown hair, and hazel eyes. The force radiated off her.

"Can I help you?" She said.

"I need you to come with me back to Coruacant." Replied Emperor Palpatine.

"No." She said.

"No?" Replied Emperor Palpatine as he was confused as the way she would deny a direct order. "Listen. I am Palpatine, the leader Supreme Chancellor. I need you to come with me." She glared at Emperor Palpatine, and shook her head no. She then began to close the door, but Emperor Palpatine pushed it open with Force Push.

"Leave me alone!" She said and raised his hand. Purple Force Lightning then came out of her fingertips. Emperor Palpatine calmly deflected the purple lightning with Force Tutaminus, and the purple sparks faded when they collided with his hand.

"How long have you been able to do that?" Said Emperor Palpatine.

"Since I was 9, I guess." She replied.

"Can you control it?" Said Emperor Palpatine.

"No I... killed someone." She replied and Emperor Palpatine just smiled to himself as her path down the dark side had already begun.

"Were you angry?" Said Emperor Palpatine and she shook her head yes. "Come with me, and you will learn how to control it. You won't kill someone ever again." Said Emperor Palpatine and she just nodded her head at him.

"My name is Sara Ventris. Am I allowed to grab a few things?" She said.

Emperor Palpatine nodded his head yes, and she went back inside. His new apprentice was strong in the force, perhaps even stronger than Darth Maul... And Count Dooku...