The secret door

Murder increases day by day. The news was all over the newspapers . Police suspect the murderer as a psycho killer and they also doubt that there is a group of people behind the case.

It was a sunny day and there were only a few customers. A man stepped into their restaurant. His eyes were dark and he had bowl cutted hair . "I've seen you somewhere. But I don't remember." she invited him and asked him. "You are Deepak's girlfriend. Right? I came here with him for a business meeting." he replied with a smile. "Oh. ok. But, I'm not his girlfriend." she replied shyly. "Ops, sorry. I thought you were his girlfriend. You both are matching." he said with a smile. "Oh, is it?" she replied. "You can stay here with other staff." she added and took him to vimal's room. "Can I get a separate room?" he requested. She started thinking."I'll let the other owner comment . And then I'll inform you. By the way, what is your name?." she asked him. "I'm Alax." he replied. She went to the restaurant to meet Vimal and informed Alax's request . He agreed and she returned to Alax. "You can stay here." she guided him by showing a room . He thanked her.

It started raining at night. Alax woke up at night and he wore a black jacket and hat . He opened the restaurant door and pulled the table. He opened the secret door and got inside the room.

Alax got out of the secret room after a few hours and closed the door. He got inside his room and opened his suitcase. There was a set of phones and he took one of them . He called someone. "I've arrived as per the information sir. I will do as you said." he hung up the phone and got into his room. He rushed to the restaurant in the morning. He slipped his legs while walking and was about to fall. Abhishek saved him from falling by holding him with his hands. "Thank you." he thanked him. "You are the new chef. Right?" Abhishek asked him. He replied yes and both of them got into the restaurant.

The next night Alax got out of his room when others slept. He entered the restaurant's secret room. He untied the man who was sitting on the chair. That person was sleeping and woke up when the rope was untied. "What are you doing? Leave me alone. Are you among the group who tied me?" he raised many doubts. "What do you think I'm doing? Of course I'm among the group. What else do you wanna know? " he replied. He got out of the chair and sat on the floor. He took the plate and started having food. Alax sat near him and patted his hair. "You heard about the increasing murder cases. Right? What do you think? Who is behind all these cases? Do you think that there is a group of people? or only one person like me?" Alax asked him. He didn't reply and just gave a look at Alax. He returned to his room.