Attacking a person

The next night Alax opened the secret door. He started feeding the person on the chair. He returned to his room after locking the secret room. He slipped his leg and was about to fall. Someone caught him from falling. He looked up to see the person. It was Abhishek. He felt something on Alax's body when he touched him. " falling is your hobby?" he asked. Alax smiled and didn't reply. Alax started walking to his room. "Alax, what were you doing at the restaurant at night?" he asked. "I was...just roaming around. Cuz I had no sleep." he replied and returned to his room. "Something is fishy. Falling is his hobby I guess. So I will clear all my doubts next time when he slips." he thought in his mind. It was the next morning he got to check Alax. He searched all over his chest part while catching him with his hands. "What are you searching for? Leave me." he pushed Abhishek and shouted. He left his hands from Alax and smiled. "Nope . Nothing." he replied and got into his room. Abhishek was smiling while returning to his room. "I tried my best to walk straight. But how can I just fall everytime? Why can't I walk straight?" Alax thought about himself. "It's getting interesting. I guess I should investigate more about Alax. I wanna know his original name, the reason why he came to our restaurant , and so on." Abhishek thought in his mind and smiled. "What were you doing in front of the restaurant ?" Vimal asked Abhishek. "It's nothing. He was about to fall and I saved him. That's it." he replied and went to have a glass of joy.

After a few hours Abhishek came with a cute girl. "Hey , who is this cutie? Is it our Neety?" she smiled and greeted her. Neety greeted her. "It's been days since we met . Dad showed you his working place?" she asked her. "Yes dude." Neety replied and held her hands."you are still calling me dude? Call me aunty." Rithika smiled and suggested. "Oh, you don't look that old to call aunty." Neety smiled and replied. Three of them walked into their restaurant. Rithika introduced Neety to everything in the restaurant. "You have a daughter? I thought you were single." Alax said . Rithika started preparing dinner. At night Abhishek woke up from sleep. He found Alax entering the restaurant at night as usual. He decided to catch him. He started to follow Alax. He returned from the restaurant after a few minutes. He returned with a man. He was the one who was tied in the chair. Abhishek was surprised to see a man with Alax. As the man had wounds on his body , Abhishek suspected him. Alax dragged him and pushed him to a car. It seemed like a kidnap. The car went from there. Alax was gonna get inside his room. Abhishek stopped him. "What were you doing there? Who was there inside our restaurant?" he raised his doubts. "What are the other secrets that you hide from us?" he added. "What do you mean by secrets?" Alax asked. "Don't hide anything. Even though I knew you were a girl , I didn't reveal your secret . If I feel like not to reveal your truth, I won't tell anyone. It would be better to tell me. By any chance are you a serial killer?" he raised all his questions. "You knew I was a girl? Still you didn't tell anyone? Thank you for that . But anyway , I won't tell you my truth. About that, I'm sorry. As you know a secret of mine, I also know one of your secrets. The secret only you and me know. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I won't tell anyone about your secret. Instead forget everything you saw here. You didn't see anything today. " she explained. She stepped into her room. "What's the secret that you know about me?" he enquired. She came closer to him and said something in his ears. He was surprised to hear that. she replied and got into her room. She closed the door and he stood there for a few seconds. After a few hours Alax got out of her room wearing her usual night black outfit. Abhishek held her hands and stopped her. "What about making a contract?" he enquired . "Contract? At this time? What contract?"

"I'll explain to you. Are you in any hurry? If not , I'll explain it to you now."

"If you explain it within 10 min , you can proceed." she replied and he started explaining. " I actually don't know who you really are. But you know all about me. Can I get a chance to know about you? Idk if you are really that psychopath who is popular in social media. Can I work with you? Consider me as an intern." he requested. "We both won't reveal our secrets to anyone. What do you think?" he added."Ok. Do you wanna join now itself? There are certain risks. Are you ready to accept the risks? And as you believe, what if you are caught for murder? Are you ready to accept that situation?" She thought for a while and raised all her queries. He accepted. "What is your real name? Why are you acting like a boy?" he asked all his doubts. "You thought that it was that easy to know about me?" she smiled and asked. "I'll join now. Where are we going?" he asked her. "Ok. As for now , I will open our secret room. I don't wish to reveal this secret room with others. But as each of us knows everything, there is no problem with revealing the secret room." she replied and held his hands. She started walking and he followed her. "How do you know the secret room in this restaurant? Even the owners don't know about the room." he enquired. "This building was mine before. I sold this to Vimal and Rithika." she replied. "Are you telling me that the three of you met before? But, why didn't they recognise you?" he was curious. "Should I need to explain the whole story? Just follow me." she replied and opened the secret door. He was surprised to see the room as it was covered with blood. "Hey , are you really a serial killer? What is this?" he was shocked . "Worried about your life? After seeing this, do you really wish to join?" she enquired. He agreed to join. "Now all you have to do is arrange everything on the table." she handed over a plastic cover and told him. He opened the cover. "What is this? Knife , rope, and everything you need for attacking a person. As I doubted, you are the psycho killer. Anyway , glad to meet a psycho killer." he said and started arranging everything on the table. "I'll return now. Try not to get caught. If you are caught , I won't join you. Take responsibility for yourself. And same here. If I get caught , I won't show you to anyone." she warned and got out of the restaurant. After a few hours she returned with a man who was highly injured. She pushed the man to the chair and tied his hands.