Hiding something

"Do you know when we should go? Award show is tomorrow evening. You know what we should do?" she asked Neeraj. "Yup" he replied . "Did Abhishek tell anything about the case? I asked cuz , if we collect every small detail, we could catch the culprit " after a few minutes Neeraj enquired. She thought for a while. "Is it ok to tell you?" she asked him. "Of Course" he replied. "He told me that they are behind us and he needs more details to tell more" she answered. "Oh! Is it?" he exclaimed . "I'll tell you something. Do you remember me?" she asked him with a cute smile. He looked at her. "What do you mean?" he was clueless. "You remember a girl who was rejected by your brother?" she asked him. He thought for a while and looked at her with surprise. "What's with this surprise look in your face?" she asked with a clueless smile. "Where is my black bag?" he asked her. She was surprised with his reply. "You should ask me how I'm living after his rejection. Or you should ask whether I've got a boyfriend. You can even ask whether I overcame feelings towards him. What's with your reply?" she asked him. "We need that bag. Where is that bag now?" he enquired again. "I've burned the bag," she replied. He was shocked to hear her reply. "What have you done? If that was there, we could solve every problem" he said. "Oh! Really? I guess I've made a great mistake." she said sorry to him. "Anyway, once we reach the hotel, tell me everything about the bag and the things that were inside the bag" he replied. She agreed and lied on the seat.

She closed her eyes and started thinking about the past.

It was a few days before rejecting her. Neeraj and Rithika studied in the same school and they were neighbours. Both of them got out of the school and started walking. "Hey, I heard that you got a girlfriend. Who is it?" Rithika asked him. "Oh, you heard that ?" he felt shy. "Yup. Is it Bella?" she guessed. "You noticed that too?" he blushed. "When are you gonna confess her?" she asked. "What about your confession? When will you confess your feelings to my brother?" he asked. "Idk.." she thought for a while and replied. "What did you like about my brother? He is just rude. It's true that everyone loves him cuz he is cool. Sometimes I just think of becoming like him. So I will become cool like him" he said with a cute smile. "I like his smile. He smiles rarely. I thought about keeping his smile forever. I felt like… he was hiding something in his smile. I felt like his smile tells us something. I like his curtain bang hair ,and…" she started to explain the reason. "Hey, I didn't feel like that in him." he started thinking. She smiled. "Why did you like Bella?" she asked him. He felt shy . "What's with the smile?" she asked him. "I liked her since I met her in a boy costume," he replied.