
Rithika opened her eyes suddenly. She looked at Neeraj. He looked at her cluelessly. "Why are you looking at me like this?" he asked. "You…...You…" she started speaking. "Me? Me what?" he asked her with no idea. "Hey! Alax…." she said again with surprise. "Alax? What with Alax?" he asked. "Alax is Bella. Right?" she confirmed with a shock. He looked at her. "Bella? Who is Bella?" he asked. "Did you forget about Bella after that accident or what?" she asked him. "Oh, you still remember Bella?" he asked. "Of course. Why is she roaming around as a boy?" she wondered. "She has some reason," he replied. "Reason? Don't tell me….., both of you work as secret detectives?" she asked and he replied yes. "Oh! So both of you are partners. Right? Ok. I'll guess everything. Both of you are investigating a serious case. As for the situation in the society , it will be the murder case. I mean, the psycho killer case. Both of you have a secret place where both of you meet? Lemme guess the secret place" she explained and started thinking. He looked at her surprisingly. "Yup. Is it that secret room that's inside the restaurant. Right?" she guessed. "Hey, you knew about the secret room?" he was surprised. She smiled and didn't reply. "I won't tell anyone. Don't worry" she replied and patted him. "Still you haven't confessed to her?" she asked. "I don't have feelings towards her now. Why should I? I'm the one who doesn't have feelings. You think I should propose to her without any feelings?" he asked. "Oh, you are right. You have no feelings" she replied and looked at the road. She looked at him suddenly with a surprise. She closed her mouth with surprise. "Why are you looking at me like this?" he asked her. "Who told you that you don't have feelings? You've changed" she said with surprise. He looked at himself through the mirror. "What do you mean?" he asked. She pinched him. He didn't feel any pain. "What are you trying to do?" he asked her. "I thought you fully recovered. Don't worry. I'm here for you. You will change slowly" she smiled and replied. He looked at her. "You speak more than usual. I suddenly thought I got my old Neeraj back" she added. He looked at her. "Did you meet my brother?" he asked. "Nope. Who is your brother? I wanna meet him. Not now. But later" she replied with a cute smile. "You don't remember my brother? Guess my brother. He is always around you" he informed. "Ok...I'll compare everyone with his cute smile. I guess I will get it. Cuz his smile was really different." she replied and started thinking. After a few minutes she looked at Neeraj. "Deepak is your brother?" she asked with surprise. He looked at her. "Wow..! You've got the correct answer." he replied. "But , you both seem to live in a different family" she raised her doubt. " It happened," he replied. "What? It happened? That's the only thing you have to tell me?" she asked. He looked at her and didn't give any answer. "Actually , when I first met Deepak, I thought I'd seen him before. But I didn't think much about that" she said with a cute smile.

At night Abhishek opened the secret room. Alax was sitting there. Alax looked at Abhishek. "Why are you here?" Alax enquired. "I'm here to tell you something," he replied. "It's very important," he added. Both of them sat on the floor. "The thing is… we planned to stay at Rithika's home for a week. What about you? Are you joining?" he enquired. Alax was surprised. '`You are here to tell this?" he enquired. "Of course. Or what else do I have to say?" he asked.

Rithika and Neeraj got into the hotel lift. After a few floors , somany people rushed into the lift. Rithika was pushed to the corner and Neeraj was pushed towards Rithika. "Sorry. There is no space left to stand. That's why I'm pushed towards you. Don't misunderstand" he said to her. "Ok… But why are you swallowing your saliva forcely? Are you tensed to stand very close to me?" she asked him with a tensed smile. He didn't reply and looked at her. They reached their room after a few more floors. He sat on the bed tensed. "Why are you hiding your life?" he asked her. "I'll be honest. I started it to take revenge. My revenge was to change your mean brother. I thought you were the one who rejected me. Cuz I forgot your brother's name. I was a bit confused. I'm almost on my way to finish my revenge" she replied with a smile. He looked at her surprised. "We can go to my house after the award function" she replied. He nodded.