Chapter 16; Get down.....

"I'm sorry..." She immediately apologized humbling herself, Feng Ying Xie eyed her for a second knowing she couldn't afford to lose that one opportunity. The opportunity to be in the country legally. She badly needed it

"I didn't hear you, what did you just say? Where is your sincerity?" He mocked her more and Su You Qing could only swallow her pride, her heart was boiling with anger but she knew better not to risk it. She had to avenge her mother.

"I apologize, since I wanted to be your wife then I should shoulder the responsibilities and be your wife..." She loudly mumbled, at the thought of this, the more she hated her father, her hatred deepened as she bowed her head hiding the tears that were threatening to spill.

Her dear father denied her the right to be a citizen, he had robbed her of all her rights to be in the country.

Her heart was so broken into pieces and so was her soul, she had nothing more to lose and she didn't mind going all out, maybe she didn't have hopes of being free.

Feng Ying Xie turned around and eyed her for a second before looking away, her being easily humbled to stay in the country meant she had something important to take care of.

"Feng Ying Xie...." The woman felt sad as her eyes watered, she hadn't expected this, and it had to be Su You Qing, she had hopes and hoped that she would be the First Lady. She has been visioning herself as the First Lady.

Chu Jiang couldn't stop the tears that were pouring down her cheeks as she warmly eyed him. This was a huge disappointment she never expected. She hadn't anticipated the huge turn of events.

" I will relieve you from your duties as the office Secretary and someone else will take over that position... You will be promoted to a better position and earn a better salary.." He didn't need to hurt her more knowing, he was getting married, and keeping her around was kin to a ticking bomb that could explode any minute.

"But Feng Ying Xie, you know that's not what I want..." She elegantly wiped her tears gazing out into the streets trying to hide the sadness that was oozing out of her eyes.

" I'm sorry Chu Jiang, we had said if I don't get married, but right now, I got a partner I'm marrying now... Things have changed, it would be best if you come to terms with it..." he spoke straight forward, knowing Su You Qing was scheming, he had to play safe and get rid of anything that could cause trouble for him.

He was the President and would soon run for the same seat for the second period, he didn't need scandals on his side. His career has just taken off.

"This is so unfair..." How could she come to terms with something she has been dreaming about, she had already seen herself as the First Lady. Her days passed by visioning herself as the First Lady and even took several etiquette classes.

"Chu Jiang?" Su You Qing's eyes immediately glanced at the woman venomously, she could remember that name, her mother had mentioned it several times, but she couldn't clearly recall the content.

Chu Jiang gazed at her with disgust and loath, she was of the same age as Feng Ying Xie, and still, she was single because she has been waiting on him hoping he wouldn't fall in love with another woman, she felt like, she matched him.

"You are a cheap slut, a social climber!" Chu Jiang glared at her as she insulted her. Su You Qing calmed down eying her with her puppy eyes.

"As if your mother isn't! It's a matter of time..." She sinisterly giggled before bowing her head, she could recall Chu Jiang's mother was Zhu Chen's close friend, and even though their families were closely related, she could still recall, her mother saying something like bullying.

Feng Ying Xie eyed her and wondered the kind of animosity she had toward Chu Jiang, this wasn't female jealousy, but hatred. Did she know her from somewhere?

"You!" Chu Jiang lifted her hand and slapped across Su You Qing's face, she didn't lift her head but still kept it bowed while she lifted her hand and gently rubbed the slapped part of her face.

"Stop the car, Chu Jiang, get out...." Feng Ying Xie coldly ordered the chauffeur and he stepped on the brakes stopping the car on the highway instantly.

"Feng Ying Xie..." Chu Jiang nervously eyed him, he had never been this harsh with her after so many years of working and sticking together.

"Get down..." Without even gazing at her, he commanded her and she got down from the car before it drove away.

"Secretary Lin, find someone else to replace her..." He didn't want more drama, he eyed Su You Qing and wondered why she didn't retaliate, she was so fierce with him earlier on, but now, she had coiled herself.