Class duty roster

Hearing that Christian immediately clear his throat before speaking through his nose who say I don't have the guts to ask her out and how can a person like me be shy, honestly I don't know why I haven't ask her out yet.

Christian, what are you saying to your self? speak it out loud.

Me?... I was just saying Cesi was right let study for our test.

Oh this is what we are all talking about Cesi how did you always get our honorable class rep to side with you all the time.

what! you guys mean side with me all the time that so wrong you guy's. You all actually think Christian is always siding with me all the time Cesi let out a little laugh before saying more like.....

Clara cut in and say more like you siding with him all the time right?

No Clara that is not what I was going said more over am always at your side.....

Okay! okay! okay! 3 bestie please step a side and settle your self we want to know more about Karlee now.

We are good nothing to settle here if you want to know more about Karlee you guys should first leave my sit cause am really serious about what I said earlier and why would you guys think we are dating or in love?

Are you seriously asking that question, huh! because it is obvious missy and non of you two denied it and also Clara spend the most time with you two and confirm it, so we are not just imagining things.

Oh my God I can't deal with you guys right now can you guys fine some where else for this as much as I will love to chat I need to clam down before the test and let my brain rest so please guy find some where else.

Okay fine we are not going to talk about you and your beloved boyfriend..... or best friend what ever we will just chat with Karlee.

Oh thank you guys my class mates are so thoughtful you guys can leave now.

Didn't you just heard us we are going to chat with Karlee yes I did that is why I said you guys can go now.

Karlee is right here I know that

so.....? I can believe am repeating my self again you guys and Karlee can go to another seat.

But they are two spots here and you are the only one sitting here so Karlee can take the other spots since she choose to sit here can't she sit with you Cesi?

Of course she can but since you guys are going to be talking I might get distracted so you guys can chat some where else and Karlee can come back and sit here when you guys are done.

ah........are you sure that is a....

Is fine guys I don't even like it here anyways why don't I sit over they at the back I think that place is more convenient for everybody and most important I won't disturb Cesi, sorry for the inconvenience see you around with that Karlee walk to one of the empty sit at the back and the rest followed her I was going to stop her and the rest of my class mates and explain that I didn't mean it like that but I knew better than that one of me and Christian logic is that if everyone already sees you as the one at fault any explanation you give is an excuse, and is enough that my friend are on my side at least that was want I thought before Clara voice came to my ear Cesi that was not cool saying that she walk away straight to Karlee new sit.

I immediately turn to Christian and say you know I didn't mean it like that right? yes I know I will go talk to Clara hearing that I immediately start complaining but how could she thinks I...... seeing look on face telling me to shut up or he was not helping I quickly stop what I was saying and said "fine" and Christian also walk off to the group.

it wasn't up to a minute before the teacher came in and said everybody settle down for your test I give you one minute for that and nothing more anyone who is not ready after one minute who stand in front of the class for 20 minutes before he or she will start.

All this teacher with their silly rules Cesi and Christian both say that in their head at the same time.

30 minutes later test was over and Christian walk round to collect the test script once he was done he handed it over to the teacher and walk back to his sit as soon as the teacher headed out Cesi stood up and immediately went over to his sit any luck with Clara no I can't believe you came over to ask me that it wasn't even up to a minute before the teacher came in I wasn't able to call her name let alone talk to her chil out don't worry too much I will talk to her. Thanks I said looking at his face he was also looking at my face and we continue starring at each other deep in thought I can't say the same for him but for me I was deep, deep, deep, in thought until Bella came and snap me out of my thought by saying Christian here are the ballot you ask me to do. Wow that was fast and I'm so glad you are my assistant saying that Christian stood up and walk to the middle of the class and places the ballot paper on top of my sit Bella also move forward and sat on my desk with a piece of paper after that Christian said hello class mate's trying to get everyone attention and he successfully did because we all chorused back hello class rep hearing that Christian continued the ballot paper for our duty roster is ready so we are going to come forward one after the other and pick a piece of paper then you will tell your assistance class rep your name and the name of day you got remember we have to do this orderly so that no teacher will find excuses to give us punishment let start from the back Faith you are up first.

Okay said Faith before she stood up from her sit and move forward to my sit she pick up one of the wrap papers and call her full name why unwrapping the piece of paper once it was unwrapping she said Monday and walk off that went on till everybody name was on the list of duty roster.

My name was on Monday me and students whose name are on Monday we will have to stay back and tidy the class today surprisedly Christian, Clara and Karlee name fall on the same day Tuesday which is tomorrow.